So I think I'll take the time to list some pros and cons to this day: Pro: I'm alive, and got out of bed without too much effort this morning. Con: I slipped on the ice on my way to the LRT to get to school. Pro: I made it to my tutorial on time… Continue reading A good (?) day…
I don't think I've been as tired as I was today for a VERY very very long day (hey…. even Shreyo was telling me to sleep… I really must have looked exhausted). But I think that my 40 min nap in my own bed helped (as did the overdose on dessert and making cake, and… Continue reading Exhaustion…
So I ought to be doing like a million other things (as per usual)… but whatever, they'll get done. This doesn't surprise me at all however: You are a Hermione at heart! You are obviouslysmart and sophisticated…but you tend to get alittle annoying at times. I would put down thebooks for a little while and… Continue reading Procrastinating….
It was great to see so many of ya today… in real life especially… but also online of course. The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell – Limbo!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Low Level 1 – Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)… Continue reading Untitled
Murphy's law seems to tell me that whatever I expect will go wrong won't… so that's precisely what happened. And what I expected not to happen did. But in any case… I'm well. DCON went well. And so on. So no complaints here, most certainly. In fact I'm quite pleased with certain aspects of things.… Continue reading So…
Murphy's law…
Yep that Murphy's Law thing does work out nicely. But things are still going reasonably.
Going well?
Things are going well… *waits for Murphy's Law to kick in* Now if only that would last, and school doesn't decide to reach up and bite me at any point in the next two months…. (what an idyllic dream!) So CKI stuff seems to be going incredibly well (for the eve of Convention). And so… Continue reading Going well?
Back to normal?
Back to the absurdity that is my life. Let me know what's happening! *wants to leave semi-clean house and do something of note*
Blah…. I think that that word (along with the word beets!) really describes today. We powered through the chopping of beets today… 3 full hours of it! Such fun! Such accomplishment. Right. And I should SO be doing homework. Rather than napping. And attempting to read a chapter that I should have read a month… Continue reading Beets!
Animation Show…
So on the spur of the moment I was invited to come out and see this… and was absolutely blown away. It was AMAZING! I especially loved… ALL OF IT! It would be far too difficult to choose. But in any case I thought I'd post about the greatness of this. Even if my description… Continue reading Animation Show…