So I come home from work today… and arrive at what seems a shell of a building. I feel like I'm coming home to the GHETTO… (although my apt itself is great… it's the hallways and entryways and structure that's undergoing this stripping processy thing). I can't wait until the reno is done, 'cause it's… Continue reading Home in the Ghetto?
One of those survey-ish thingys…
Hey I love these… so here goes: 1. What's your full name?: Ali Kira ___________ (if you're reading this you already know my full name… so why divulge that here?) 2. Were you named after anyone?: I don't think so for my first name. My parents just heard it somewheres I think. My middle name… Continue reading One of those survey-ish thingys…
Me as a book?
If I were a book… would this be me?? You're Watership Down! by Richard Adams Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their… Continue reading Me as a book?
Strength of mind
Sometimes one needs that little drop of inspiration To reinvigorate one's mind. This is sometimes easy to come by, Sometimes not. But today I received that shower Of infantessible drops A rainbow of insight. Insight into the world that is mine. This time, the impetus to the new sense of joy, The new spirit from… Continue reading Strength of mind
Close call…
So I get up this morning. Same ol' routine really. And head off to school, pushing it for time as per usual on a MWF this term *sigh*. I arrive at the nice crosswalk, you know, the thingy with the nifty bright white man or bright red hand that lights up? Well yeah there's the… Continue reading Close call…
You are a Toasted Marshmellow Jelly Bean! Which Flavor Jelly Bean Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Wow, fancy that… really? An aside: I ADORE Jelly Belly Jelly Beans (but yearn for Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans… *sigh* when can I get a spinach flavoured jelly bean when I want one?)
So… I begin my day with a rude awakening from my semi-peaceful slumber. You see after the past three or so weeks of very very busy days and very short nights available for shut-eye, this was the night I was going to get some rest. But the phone rings. And I being like I am,… Continue reading Untitled
Term Paper DONE!
So it's an insanely early/late hour of the day (I don't know which anymore)… but I'm most certainly done the rough draft of the paper that I have to hand in tomorrow. Finally! (considering I started writing around 9 or 10 at night, this isn't all that bad) As soon as the silly thing finishes… Continue reading Term Paper DONE!
So… not only do I get great things accomplished today (eg. work on group presentation, urgent CKI dist. board meeting, research for my paper and so on), but I come home to the most wonderful mail! My flight arrangements for my next Indy trip (yay!), and notice that I GOT A SWEET Scholarship! So… Continue reading YAY for TODAY!
I'm Home!
I'm back in Edmonton after a very productive weekend in Regina. I'm very pleased with the result. We'll just have to wait and see what happens next.