Hi all! So when I mentioned the MEQ (Morningness Eveningness Questionaire) to people in the past couple of days (something I learned about in my Cognitive Aging class), most of the people wanted to take it: afterall it indicates how morning or evening of a person you are, when the optimum bedtime would be for… Continue reading Are you a Morning or an Evening person?
Disaster averted…. perhaps?
A big HUGE thanks goes out to my dear friends for all of their amazing help with dealing with the virus crisis on my computer tonight. I like the fact that it means that my March 30th deadline may not be entirely impossible anymore. Thanks for putting up with my stupidity (I *knew* better!)… and… Continue reading Disaster averted…. perhaps?
Strawberry Short Cake
Here's a simple quiz… Make your choice and THEN scroll down. Reply with whatever one you chose! I'd love to find out! If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose? (Sorry, you can only pick one!) Angel Food Brownies Lemon Meringue Vanilla Cake/Chocolate Icing Strawberry Short… Continue reading Strawberry Short Cake
One Paper down… 3 to go… One poster done…
Okay. I'm FINALLY done my Breast size poster (yep you heard that right, it's a poster on breast size — and yes that does happen to refer to women). Now I just have to write the associated paper for my evolutionary psychology of beauty class… and the other two remaining papers as well. *sigh* The… Continue reading One Paper down… 3 to go… One poster done…
Yeah yeah… Ali's still procrastinating… I am 22.6% LJ ADDICT! Can You Beat Me? View Info In DetailTake the LJ Addict Quiz TodayAfter All, ali_kira did.
I am lost…
Again, I have fallen into that pit of self-reflection that is so closely akin to despair. Lost Souls reside there, but neither I nor they can find a connection. This being the reason why I have felt so off kilter in my reading of 'Tea from an Empty Cup' and my viewing of 'Eternal Sunshine… Continue reading I am lost…
I always knew I was born in the wrong decade…
People have been telling me this all my life… so I guess this only makes sense! 🙂 Ahhh… for the days of yore… *sighs* what decade does your personality live in? quiz brought to you by lady interference, ltd
So while I should perhaps be working on my many papers… I'm typing to you guys instead. This entertained me… i 165 but 38 really 21 the 164 are 34 at 20 to 119 what 33 your 19 a 102 do 33 am 19 and 95 … Continue reading Words…
Dratted paper-y thingy!
So I only resort to really poor colloquial stupid typing like this when I'm frustrated. Well that would be NOW. Not only am I entirely not motivated to work on the 3-4papers due in the next couple of weeks, but the paper that has a rough draft due on Thurs now lacks ALL of its… Continue reading Dratted paper-y thingy!
I'm amazingly amused by this one… especially with RenderMan as Charlie Chapman for example… very funny! (Although I somehow doubt that Fred Astaire would make a good me….) My LiveJournal Sitcom ali_kira's manicurist (CBS, 10:30): ali_kira (Fred Astaire) hypnotizes musicsdaughter (Madeleine Stowe) but it doesn't work. At the same time, swim5chick (Patrick Dempsey) tells a… Continue reading Untitled