As a prelude to the bigger quiz that I'm thinking of posting (yeah yeah, so I overdo the quizdom, but hey I don't wanna write about somethings sometimes) The 'what do you like?' Quiz What is your favorite disney movie?: Sleeping Beauty What is your favorite disney character?: Hard one… but Mulan is coming to… Continue reading Short quiz
Another survey-y thingy (gosh I'm liking the -y suffix today)
Since I keep running across this one (funny how often the same surveys and whatnot show up either on my friends list or on the friends list for the CKI community — which I actually read semi-regularly [then again daily is semi-regularly in my books]), I think I'll actually try to do it! 1: Grab… Continue reading Another survey-y thingy (gosh I'm liking the -y suffix today)
'get inside my head' quiz thingy
@ 9:44pm: get inside my head… DO YOU THINK YOU ARE… :x: pretty = I can be I would guess. :x: funny = perhaps. :x: pessimistic = at moments. :x: optimistic = Usually, actually. :x: caring = I would certainly hope so! :x: dorky = yep. THREE THINGS THAT SCARE ME: 01 | Burning to… Continue reading 'get inside my head' quiz thingy
I likely need a roommate
My roommate has given me notice that she's moving out. Probably due to the fact that she keeps things a little bit neater than I do, and that the apartment's been an unliveable mess (my own doing). I feel terrible though. And on top of everything else, I hate roommate searching. If she doesn't reconsider,… Continue reading I likely need a roommate
A Gov Farewell… *sniff*
*sniffs* so my term ends tonight as Governor… and there's just so much to say… WOW. It's been quite the year. But hey, my CKI career won't end for a while yet! Three Cheers for Circle K! I wanted to write this long before now, but it didnΓÇÖt feel right, so I didnΓÇÖt. Instead, today,… Continue reading A Gov Farewell… *sniff*
Another fill-em-out-esque survey thingy
1 Minute ago: I was reading LJ entries 1 Hour ago: I was eating lunch (leftovers from the King&I… yum!) 1 Day ago: I was in class. 1 Week ago: I was working on my essays or something equally productive, really… *rolls eyes* 1 Year ago: I was likely in class. I Hurt: my ankles…… Continue reading Another fill-em-out-esque survey thingy
Some question goodness…
So I'm reading up on others' LJs and come across this quizy thingy… Here are my answers: 1. What is your middle name? Kira (well, it IS!) 2. If you had been born the other sex, did your parents tell you what your name would have been? No clue actually. 3. Do you have children… Continue reading Some question goodness…
I'm done… I'm Done! I'm DONE! I'M DONE!
I've been saying for the past month now 'I can't wait until March 30th when all my papers will be done'…. Well that day has been reached, and guess what? I ACTUALLY finished all my 4 term papers (three will be handed in today!). Given that, yes I wrote one entirely yesterday, one almost entirely… Continue reading I'm done… I'm Done! I'm DONE! I'M DONE!
2 term papers done! 2 to go!
I'm FINALLY finished my sociology 300 paper! Now to bed!
Essay Break…
So I'm actually getting something accomplished re: this essay… considering the second rough draft is sort of due… this would be a good thing. But hey I needed a little break… so here's a short little quiz I filled out… which strangely enough resulted in the princess from my all time fave Disney Animated film:… Continue reading Essay Break…