I'm done this degree! Weird. I really ought to be partying or doing something *insanely* fun or so… Whatever. On to the next mountain to scale me thinks. Comments?
So I'm a 'geek liason' am I?
You are 40% geek You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important… Continue reading So I'm a 'geek liason' am I?
*Long Quiz WARNING*
So Alex sends me this… and I decide to fill it out… for an interestingly LONG read check it out! (1) The most important question – Name? – Ali (2)Like it? – yeppers (3) Are you named after anyone? not my first name as far as I know. My middle one maybe… after a character… Continue reading *Long Quiz WARNING*
Okay: Worst Exam Yet…. and it hasn't sunk in yet.
So guess what? I'm posting again! *chortles merrily* This time, I'm going to talk about the horrible class I took this semester: Advanced Perception (Psyco 365). I'm not going to lie to you. YES I slept through this class often. Really often… In fact, I can remember a total of 4 or so classes that… Continue reading Okay: Worst Exam Yet…. and it hasn't sunk in yet.
Procrastinating studying — AGAIN!
So I'm procrastinating studying. Why? (I'll be irrational and tell the truth) I'm frickin' scared (excuse the language *rolls eyes*). This is the class I SLEEP through 'cause it's so darnned borring. I try studying (and I have… in my moments of clarity and non-sickness this week… as few as they have been), and the… Continue reading Procrastinating studying — AGAIN!
Would I make a good Cyborg?
Here's my cyborg name: A.L.I.K.I.R.A.: Artificial Lifelike Individual Keen on Infiltration and Rational Assassination http://www.cyborgname.com/ So whatdya think? Would I make a good Cyborg? I like this name rather much in any case! 😉
Return of the LJ quizzes… (this one's personal it seems)
What's your first name: Ali Do you remember the first nickname ever given to you: I probably don't. I'm betting someone called me 'Ali Kira' as a nickname at some point very soon after my birth… aside from that early nicknames were insults mostly… mostly refering to Prince Ali and the forty theives, and other… Continue reading Return of the LJ quizzes… (this one's personal it seems)
Another quiz-y thing
This one I like. Probably 'cause it's allowing me to procrastinate, and express myself without having to put in too too much effort. I think I do quizzes as a diversion from thinking of other things sometimes… other times to express myself. [love is] Elusive, ephemeral, glorious, difficult, and effortful [i know] nothing for certain…… Continue reading Another quiz-y thing
So his memorial service is Saturday
Dirk died on April 9th 2004. His memorial service is this Saturday April 17th at 2PM at the Foster and McGarvey Funeral Chapel (10008-103 Street). The Obituary says in part he died at his computer doing what he loved (paraphrased). That seems fitting somehow.
Ask me anything!
Another thing taken from someone else's LJ (as per usual), this time asking you to ask me questions. I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. If you want you can also copy and paste into your journal allowing your friends (including myself)… Continue reading Ask me anything!