You are Trinity, from The Matrix.Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimateheroine. What Matrix Persona Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Ali is happy! 🙂
I need something relaxing and brainless. Stress = annoying!
Okay… so I HATE it when trip planning etc. decides that it wants to fall into shambles. Anyone know a way to make money grow on trees? Edited to add: I hate it when trips just die in the starting blocks. *sighs* Postponement is entertaining at least.
Quiz (yet another one!)
So I still like quizzes. Found this one as well…. It was a waste of my time (yes I ought to be sleeping) 1)First Name: Ali On to the other stuff…. 18)Ever dyed your hair?: nope. 19)If so.. what colors?: N/A 21)Height: 5foot 3inches and a quarter. 23)Glasses: yeah 24)Contacts: no, never worn them 25)Braces:… Continue reading Quiz (yet another one!)
Medium length Quiz
So I don't wanna sleep just yet…. and don't wanna accomplish anything either…. so I'll do this quiz I found somewheres instead (I love quizzes). 1. What color are your kitchen plates? white with a little bit of pastel pink and blue on 'em… you know the typical College/University student Corelle dishes. 2. What book(s)… Continue reading Medium length Quiz
Couple quick fun things…
Found the Canadian Provinces thing (here's where I've been!): create your own personalized map of Canada or write about it on the open travel guide And I think I rather like this personally (I like hugs!): *HUGS* TOTAL! give ali_kira more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own Perhaps I shall post some more quiz-y goodness… Continue reading Couple quick fun things…
Quiz of the day!
Here's some fun because all the cool kids are doing it… 2 Years Ago, I: 1- Had just become K-Family Chair for my district 2- Had just finished 2nd year in University 3- Was about to attend DOTC 4- Was dating Scott 5- Decided to get out of Honours Physiology 1 Year Ago, I: 1-Was… Continue reading Quiz of the day!
A short fun one!
Gosh how time flies! 1) Go into your LJ's archives. 2) Find your 23rd post (or closest to). 3) Find the fifth sentence (or closest to). 4) Post the text of the sentence in your lj along with these instructions. Perhaps people are right when they claim that I don't sleep enough. –> Me thinks… Continue reading A short fun one!
Back on Canadian Soil… Gosh I'm going to miss everyone… again!
Hey all! I haven't updated for a while. Mainly 'cause I've been gosh darnned busy. So I just got home… from Indy… again. 'twas nice to be there really: I LOVE the KI office. It's just so NIFTY! 🙂 What was even better was the fondue night… *drools* gosh was that ever delectable…. wow! It… Continue reading Back on Canadian Soil… Gosh I'm going to miss everyone… again!
Hmmmm…. Interesting Evening…
So we have the Orientation party here tonight. Loads of people… loads of side dishes… and green onion cookies are actually rather tasty…. you learn new things every day, eh? In any case, the bajillion of things I wrote about last time has increased to a couple bajillion things. I'm a little more or less… Continue reading Hmmmm…. Interesting Evening…
So… life stays hectic… what else is new?
So this past weekend I was in Regina… with lovely duststorm/windwarning weather. But our billet was great (the demonic tree was also amusing). It was good to see Underworld again in any case. The trip down was also entertaining… movies galore: Happy Gilmore, Ever After, Dumb and Dumber, The New Guy and on the way… Continue reading So… life stays hectic… what else is new?