So on this snowy day when things that I had planned to do have been cancelled due to weather (and when I'm pretty happy to still be on vacation and not at work), I figure I had best type a bit about last night when I saw the Flashdance musical (with my parents although they… Continue reading On seeing the Flashdance musical
Category: Uncategorized
The Buy Nothing Day Free Market is coming
And I can't say that I'm ready with my bags of things to donate just yet, though I haven't acquired so much junk over the course of this year as to need to rid myself of just as much as I donated last year to the event. I haven't quite figured out exactly what shifts… Continue reading The Buy Nothing Day Free Market is coming
A month before Christmas…
And as usual I'm not at all ready. But I quite honestly don't mind: I don't usually start much of the Holiday shopping etc. until December (or at least late November) anyway. That said, it is time for me to start thinking about Christmas/Holiday cards. If you would like me to send you a physical… Continue reading A month before Christmas…
On Identity and Ambiguous Ethnicity
I don't often link to videos in my blog postings, but maybe I ought to do this more? I often watch the videos that I see in my various social media feeds, and do spend quite a bit of time watching the videos from my various YouTube subscriptions. Usually I just share/comment/retweet etc. to these… Continue reading On Identity and Ambiguous Ethnicity
Comic books and Doctor Who
Today marks the 51st anniversary of the launch of my favourite TV show at the moment. And while I'm FAR FAR FAR from caught up on the classic Who TV episodes, or on the comic books, I really do want to keep up with the new Doctor Who comics and TV episodes. I'm on top… Continue reading Comic books and Doctor Who
Social media and following people you admire
I spend a lot of time on social media on any given day. Whether that's just because I keep Tweetdeck open on my second monitor when I don't need it for some other more valuable purpose, or because I like to read Facebook on my breaks at work, or because G+ is someplace to browse… Continue reading Social media and following people you admire
On cooking, cookbooks, the internet and food memories from my youth
I will never be the same cook as my mother. This is partially true because she likes to eat different things than I do, and partially because she had to satisfy different tastes than I do when I'm cooking. But it's also because the availability of food in grocery stores has changed, I own different… Continue reading On cooking, cookbooks, the internet and food memories from my youth
Post of positivity!
All too often on social media, blogs, and news etc. the focus is on the negative, whether it's because someone's experienced discrimination, there's been a negative news story, or someone's just purely having a bad day. So today I thought I would type a bit about my yesterday which included a lot of very positive… Continue reading Post of positivity!
Isolation and asking
Lately my YouTube subscription feed has been filled with Amanda Palmer book tour videos. And I strongly suspect that once I finally get a hold of a copy and READ it, it will really connect with me. Because I'm often horrible at asking. What my interactions with folks lately are telling me is that I'm… Continue reading Isolation and asking
Identity and hobbies
A friend yesterday asked me if I had a room of my apartment (with over 150 board games in it) devoted to board games because I lived in a cat-free apartment building. And this got me to thinking about a whole lot of things. I mean sure my identity is tied up with my hobbies… Continue reading Identity and hobbies