Reactions to a really really politically important night in Alberta

I don't often talk politics directly online. But I feel like I ought to capture a bit of my reaction to tonight's dramatic shift in the political landscape of Alberta, which I realized only AFTER the end of a very bizarre day (which included working 15% Tuesday, voting, some interesting observations, playing awesome arcade games… Continue reading Reactions to a really really politically important night in Alberta

I did it! :)

I blogged every single day for the month of November! This was a great way to get back into the blogging habit. While I know I'm not going to blog every day for the month of December (there's other things to write like Christmas cards for example), I think this was the kick start I… Continue reading I did it! 🙂

Edmonton and the weather

On a cold day like this one, one might expect me to be complaining about the weather, but I'm not. I might have small complaints now and again about being cold (for example if/when the doors are broken at work letting in too much cold air, or if I've somehow planned poorly for the weather… Continue reading Edmonton and the weather

A full but wonderful day…

There's a lot I could type about here (and I'm oh so tempted to just type about hanging with Cats at Parties), because sometimes it is just awesome to spend time with pets when you don't actually have any of your own (good gosh, cuddles with pets are sometimes so awesome!)… but really I'd like… Continue reading A full but wonderful day…

On the topic of Black Friday Sales and Buy Nothing Day

Yesterday I decluttered my home. I also did my seemingly annual bookshelf reorganization (yes my books multiply semi-frequently, yes I did also weed my collection). This meant that 5 bags of stuff left my home for the free market event today, and that two more will leave my home tomorrow. And while decluttering COULD mean… Continue reading On the topic of Black Friday Sales and Buy Nothing Day