So there definitely seems to be a number of people interested. The attendance at the second pre-organizational meeting was rather good (and I think we answered a lot more questions). I think that this Tim Hortons is more appropriate for small gatherings than the other one. I do however REALLY hope that a number of… Continue reading Update on the Kiwanis club building…
Category: Uncategorized
It feels weird to be considered 'smart' again…
Today I got my invitation to join the Golden Key International Honour Society in the mail. It didn't take much thought to figure out whether or not I wanted to pay the one time membership fee and join. After all, a good friend of mine is president of the local chapter, and I've many other… Continue reading It feels weird to be considered 'smart' again…
Quick Update… oh and I'm Reading at the Edmonton Poetry Festival…
So the next Kiwanis pre-organization meeting is scheduled for Thursday night at 7pm at the Tim Hortons at 10665 Jasper Ave. I hope to see lots of enthusiastic people there (plus some who just want to find out more. *special note* Because of AWESOME sponsorship by local area Kiwanis clubs, the first year's membership for… Continue reading Quick Update… oh and I'm Reading at the Edmonton Poetry Festival…
First week chaos…
Wow… The first week of September (aka the first week of school) has come to a relative close. And what a week it's been! Here are some highlights: Sept 1st – Went on an AWESOME shopping excursion with Jackie! I totally love my birthday gift: an awesome mod dress!! Great way to pass Labour Day!… Continue reading First week chaos…
FBOFW… wow…
So normally I don't spend my time typing about my comic reading addictions, and face it I have a few (it's a 50/50 split between web comics and those originally found in the dailies usually… plus I suppose a sprinkling of graphic novels to suit), but gosh Lynn Johnston's For Better Or For Worse has… Continue reading FBOFW… wow…
Would any one person like to join me at a Simple Plan concert?
I won tix a while back for the Simple Plan concert on Friday Sept 5th (at 7pm) at Rexall Place. They are General Admission Floor Standing tickets, which arrived in the mail today. I was wondering if anyone would like to join me. It is far less fun attending a concert alone, and as I… Continue reading Would any one person like to join me at a Simple Plan concert?
Quick Fringe Recap
Unlike last year, where I saw 12 Fringe plays (including 2 holdovers) this year I've only seen 2 Fringe plays (with no current plans for the holdovers but that may change). That said, I do have Fringe Theatre Adventures season tix so I'll have all this Fringe happiness spread out over the course of a… Continue reading Quick Fringe Recap
Worldview meme
You See the World Through Green Colored Glasses You live your life with generosity. You feel like your life is abundant, and you are very giving toward those around you. You judge all your interactions through the lens of harmony. You figure you have something to learn from everyone, and you listen well. You face… Continue reading Worldview meme
Updates from August adventures…
So I'm starting a Kiwanis Young Professionals club. It'll get off the ground soon. If you're interested I set up a facebook group to begin with (eventually we'll need a good website but that's not my area of expertise. I also adored Wayne's suggestion that we somehow create a system which messages all members (email… Continue reading Updates from August adventures…
Off to Denver…
… and another CKI LSSP and ICON. I'll be back in Edmonton momentarily before heading off to Swift Current mid-August. It'll be great to see more of Colorado than the airport! 🙂