actual words said during the donning of my Halloween costume for the first time. This was pre-UADC Halloween dance. I'm very much in awe of Olwyn's skills in making me the skirt and sleeves (yes, eventually I'll post pictures… of course I'm at least 6 months behind at picture posting… but eventually!). The dance itself… Continue reading You hold the camera while I tie the parrot…
Category: Uncategorized
Fictional Characters meme post
Comment on this post. I will randomly give you a letter. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ. chibifrieza gave me a L. Lyra Belacqua [From The Golden Compass by Pullman] — the main character from the first book, and while I haven't read… Continue reading Fictional Characters meme post
8 Things Meme (because homework isn't appropriate when I'm thinking of funerals)
My 8 obsessions…..8 things that I am passionate about… 1. The Kiwanis Family 3. Learning 4. Literature 5. Friendships 6. Good Food 7. Travel 8. Finances 8 words or phrases I use often… 1. Sorry 2. Thank you 3. Interesting 4. Newfangled 5. Well 6. Darling 7. Dear 8. Take care 8 things I want… Continue reading 8 Things Meme (because homework isn't appropriate when I'm thinking of funerals)
I'm tired of bad news…
You know what I'm not enjoying this week? Hearing bad news and not being able to do much (if anything) about it. People who are suffering are so far away that I can't just materialize over there and show just how much I care. Others are nearby but are still suffering. I feel like I'm… Continue reading I'm tired of bad news…
You know that tired feeling after your body has become ridiculously physically exhausted that it….
… is echoed in your mind? Well I have that now. But for good reason mind you! So after getting all the reference letter forms off to my most excellent references (woo!) I had a most excellent Thursday night seeing a preview screening of Blindness, a most disturbing/thought provoking film (definitely not happy or meant… Continue reading You know that tired feeling after your body has become ridiculously physically exhausted that it….
Venting re: the Internet
So today I've been working at a chunk of the things on my massive to-do list (and unfortunately not getting anywhere near as much accomplished as I would hope: probably even making a BIGGER mess of my room than it was before, simply trying to find things… like a rather old photograph for example… gosh… Continue reading Venting re: the Internet
I once thought I was too young to get a Lifetime Acheivement Award… I was wrong.
So yes, Alena sprung this one on me — as she had warned, but still! Perhaps it's too many years volunteering for my favorite Week of Welcome events, but really there's no harm in volunteering, is there? So last night was the annual WOW/Orientation Volunteer Appreciation Party. And I must say, while I was initially… Continue reading I once thought I was too young to get a Lifetime Acheivement Award… I was wrong.
A few quick words… (an update)
Homecoming was excellent! I never would have imagined meeting the great people that I did, nor have so much fun seeing a person I knew! Such a great time, really. I'm definitely going to have to return to reunions in the future. The AIDS walk was rather great also. The only downside was some awfully… Continue reading A few quick words… (an update)
Please support me in the AIDS Walk for Life!
This year, for the first time I thought that I would participate in the AIDS Walk for Life! It is less than a week away (I know) but I still thought I'd cobble together any support that anyone felt willing to give. This is indeed an important cause: AIDS infections are the highest in Alberta… Continue reading Please support me in the AIDS Walk for Life!
Because Beer just doesn't smell great when it's spilled on you during a poetry reading…
So, yesterday's poetry reading went excellently! I was complimented by the host (and the host for the subsequent segment at Java Express, though I booked it across downtown in order to make it to Maria Chen's reading at Three Bananas Cafe instead), and it went rather well though the cafe was not as well staffed… Continue reading Because Beer just doesn't smell great when it's spilled on you during a poetry reading…