Post ball exhaustion…

My hair is still curled. The be-ribboned tree sits upon my table. And I am tired. But I have slept well, and Peter Pan in Scarlet has been read this afternoon. So my homework is done for the week and as I struggle against growing older, another Winter Waltz has passed. Certainly I had an… Continue reading Post ball exhaustion…

Inertia, really? (brief thoughts on Thomas King's talk from Festival of Ideas)

I am ever so pleased to have seen Thomas King speak today. No, I didn't bring anything to get autographed, or speak to the amazing author whose voice speaks with such great storytelling ease, what I did bring was ears to listen. His brief lecture (gosh, whenever I'm looking at a public lecture and thinking… Continue reading Inertia, really? (brief thoughts on Thomas King's talk from Festival of Ideas)

First snow (that sticks)

tickling my nose        the            flakes falling in darkness interrupt my reverie   I spin and stare up   showering my black jacket with polka dots  this snow melts on impact or soon after but colder night awaits as we sleep the flakes fall one layer sticking                    and then the next soon blanketing… Continue reading First snow (that sticks)

Halloween: the aftermath (or apparently Pirate/Ninja makes a great conversation starter…)

So this Halloween was busier than most. I did have a blast and was featured in a rather large number of photographs (most of which I have yet to see). I started my day with a trip to work to see costumes (many of which were amazing… including a certain 'The Donald' imitator, some Vegas… Continue reading Halloween: the aftermath (or apparently Pirate/Ninja makes a great conversation starter…)

Zack and Miri…

… and other entertainment. Yep, that's how this week's been going, entertaining. Last night Beth and I went and saw Zack and Miri Make a Porno (the new Kevin Smith flick). This was rather entertaining (though I did find myself wondering whether or not the film was an experiment on how many times seemingly ordinary… Continue reading Zack and Miri… meme

Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you. 1) Your name? ALI A Best Friend, someone that you know you can always rely on through anything and everything. you know that your ali wont ever desert you and will always… Continue reading meme