Quick Holiday update

So it's my Favorite Season of the year: yes, that's right, the Christmas/holiday season. And no, that doesn't mean I'm religious or anything (I'm not). I just happen to rather like the holiday season, and the Christmas music rocks (what can I say, I'm addicted), well at least most of it's pretty good (there's some… Continue reading Quick Holiday update

That was easy! :)

Another semester of school is finished for me. Of course this one doesn't necessarily LEAD to anything, but it was highly educational/fun, and that counts for something, right? Regardless, I was rather pleased with the ease of completing my final exam. Also: I clearly have too many cookies. And they're not getting eaten terribly quickly.… Continue reading That was easy! 🙂

Wondering how the economy is affecting scholarships… or otherwise…

So if things were being run the way they normally are regarding my Grad school application, the deadline for scholarship applications would be December 15th. Which is in oh… just over a week. Which isn't much time. Of course the application isn't available (nor are the details) regarding any of the general awards competition scholarships.… Continue reading Wondering how the economy is affecting scholarships… or otherwise…