A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. B) Tag eight people. (I'm going to use first names only. You know who you are!) Jackie, Josh, Carrie, Olwyn, Pete, Matthew, Robyn, Mim 1. Make a list of 5… Continue reading Apparently I too am tagged!
Category: Uncategorized
It took nearly a week…
… but my back feels almost back to normal. This is a good thing. More than a good thing actually, a pretty fantastic thing. I wasn't a big fan of EVERYTHING hurting on Thursday night after falling on the ice, nor was I a big fan of not going swimming on Friday as a result,… Continue reading It took nearly a week…
Yes, today, for the first time this winter, I fell (spectacularly) on the ice.
And so I hurt everywhere. Fortunately I think I'm okay, but I'm kind of dreading waking up tomorrow morning likely in pain. It is not a promising idea. I don't have time to deal with this!! Fortunately I wasn't entirely alone when I fell right in front of my building. A passerby came up and… Continue reading Yes, today, for the first time this winter, I fell (spectacularly) on the ice.
A lesson in conciseness…
You. Can. Only. Type. One. Word. Not as easy as you might think. Remember: one word answers to the following 34 questions. 1. Where is your mobile phone?: nonexistent 2. Your significant other?: smile 3. Your hair?: long 4. Your mother?: important 5. Your father?: interesting 6. Your favourite thing?: friendship 7. Your dream last… Continue reading A lesson in conciseness…
I realize I never posted anything about the Inauguration…
…which I watched excerpts of all day on January 20th whenever I had a break from work. I imagine quite a few people watched when they got a chance. I was surprised how emotionally moving the broadcast was. I'm not sure I'm in complete agreement with the awesomeness that the coming years have in store… Continue reading I realize I never posted anything about the Inauguration…
Lately I'm learning that I really haven't seen many movies…
Of course this is changing. And I must say that my viewing fare has been rather good as of late. But it is being constantly pointed out that I haven't seen movies. And it isn't just a few people who point this out regularly, but quite a number of folks. From all areas of my… Continue reading Lately I'm learning that I really haven't seen many movies…
I should be in bed… but instead here's an Alphabet meme
A – Available: to spend time with, sure. – Age: Is not terribly relevant. Maturity, attitude and behaviour are. – Annoyance: Stress. – Actor: Topher Grace is a favorite (of course there are others) B – Beer: No, thanks. – Birthday/Birthplace: July, BC – Best Friends: Quite a number of them. – Body Part on… Continue reading I should be in bed… but instead here's an Alphabet meme
Posting from the University… since my internet disliked me last night…
Ah… the trials and tribulations of Ali, the perpetual out-dated technology user — well in this case that's who I am, surely. And my computer is starting to really really at least want to bite the dust — and while I guess there could be worse things, I truly do need a computer that's functional… Continue reading Posting from the University… since my internet disliked me last night…
Happy New Years, Musings, and 2008 Memes
Here's wishing a happy 2009 to one and all! So, December rolled to a most excellent end, with many philosophical discussions, ethical debates, catching up with ol' friends, getting to know newer ones better, and being rather busy in a most excellent way. I saw a number of movies, got spoiled at great restaurants and… Continue reading Happy New Years, Musings, and 2008 Memes
Post Christmas Reflections
So Christmas is over for another year. And this means that I've had my dosage of Turkey (more than 3 dinners) and Ham for December. I got to munch on amazing squash, and so many other yummy vegetables. And of course I spent time with family. We opened gifts together and got things we all… Continue reading Post Christmas Reflections