What's Your Personality Type? Blogthings post (from Robyn)

Okay so I HIGHLY doubt the veracity of this test, as I have NEVER gotten this result before and completely doubt what it says about me, but maybe it's a reflection of my current mind-set so whatever. You Are An ESFJ The Caregiver You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.A creature of… Continue reading What's Your Personality Type? Blogthings post (from Robyn)

Quiz from Aimee (yes I know I've been posting a lot of memes again!)

This one's massively long, I know. However I really really truly like the uniqueness of many of the questions, so I'm going to slog through it anyway… it's a good way of procrastinating homework afterall! 1. Name one song that reminds you of an ex? Anything by Fleetwood Mac, once I realize its by Fleetwood… Continue reading Quiz from Aimee (yes I know I've been posting a lot of memes again!)

Girly quiz from Zita

ALL YOU GIRLS ANSWER TRUTHFULLY RANDOMS: Do you straighten your hair? Not often enough to make me answer yes. I like it straightened but can't be bothered to take the time to do it myself. WhatΓÇÖΓÇÖs your favorite magazine? It's a tie between GOOD magazine and Unlimited magazine. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewellery that's uncomfortable? Not… Continue reading Girly quiz from Zita

5 things for 5 people

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully: – I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. – What I create will be just for you. – It'll be done this year (2009).… Continue reading 5 things for 5 people

Highlights and Lowlights — aka. random comments about life the universe and everything I'm

desiring to write on this blog (these comments reference all sorts of happenings from this week). Highlights: — There's tape art in Rutherford Library! — Trying a Starbucks beverage that I actually liked (fancy that!) — Actually singing at karaoke (thanks Mike) last night. — The fact that Carla loved my Kermit the Frog T-shirt… Continue reading Highlights and Lowlights — aka. random comments about life the universe and everything I'm