Aaron challenged me to the One Artist Meme. Using song names from only ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. (You are also exhorted to pass it on to 10 people and include me!, but use your own judgement.) Pick your artist: The Be Good Tanyas Are you male or female? The Littlest Birds Describe yourself:… Continue reading One Artist meme from Aaron (still semi-procrastinating, but yes, getting work done…)
Category: Uncategorized
50 things meme from Ariel (why yes, I do have homework I'm procrastinating…)
50 things u have never been asked…Share 1, What color is your toothbrush? fushia/purple and white 2, Name one person who made you smile today: Basil 3, What were you doing at 8 am this morning: Sleeping 4, What were you doing 45 minutes ago? catching up on various online enjoyments 5, What is your… Continue reading 50 things meme from Ariel (why yes, I do have homework I'm procrastinating…)
Disney Princesses meme from Kristen
Cinderella: [] One of your parents is dead [x] You are expected to do a lot of chores [x]You love to dress up [x]You love animals [x]You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming [] Your mom is really strict [] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you [x]YouΓÇÖre afraid to speak… Continue reading Disney Princesses meme from Kristen
SF Books read (from Aaron)
This meme is from Aaron. And it indicates that I really haven't been reading enough Sci Fi lately… then again, a bunch of these are on my hope-to-read-eventually list… and many are favorite authors…: Since I'm tired of the BBC trying to tell us what we should have read (only some of which I agree… Continue reading SF Books read (from Aaron)
I realize that I really need to be doing more…
… and limping less. So earlier this week when I went to visit my friend Olwyn (while I'm not a lamb I did follow Sam home from school…) my knee had already been bugging me a bit. I have no idea why it might have been doing so (though I rubbed it in class as… Continue reading I realize that I really need to be doing more…
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
It strikes me that I've learned more about Ireland in the past year than I previously ever knew. I blame John, Tom, and the media for this phenomenon (and I guess to a lesser extent the internet). Regardless, I sit here wearing my green dress, absolutely unmotivated to do ANYTHING online (I think I overdosed… Continue reading Happy St. Patrick's Day!
How many states have you been in? Meme from Jim
50 States Instructions: Put an X by the states you have been to. The average is 8 – how do you match up? Wow! I've been to 18 states…. * Alabama – (will likely go this summer) * Alaska – * Arizona – * Arkansas – * California – X * Colorado – X *… Continue reading How many states have you been in? Meme from Jim
Dream time fears and strange imaginings…
I don't often remember my dreams. And when I do, they're clearly obviously bizarre and nonsensical. But this past night's dreams were kind of telling. Two separate happenings (which may have been mixed together in the same dream) occurred. Firstly I was taking the bus through what I could imagine to be a dreamtime Edmonton,… Continue reading Dream time fears and strange imaginings…
Balance post
(I realize I've been posting in bursts and spurts lately, however that's simply how life works. I thought of posting this while riding the bus home tonight, and while I've posted a lot of other things lately this one felt important). Balance is something I try to acheive in all areas of my life. Certainly… Continue reading Balance post
Cover songs… sometimes a good thing… sometimes NOT
So I was walking down the stairs to the LRT today after class, and I hear the woman (you know the one, who is always playing her guitar and singing in the LRT, the shorter one with the big poofy black/greying hair) playing her music and singing along. Now I normally pay her very little… Continue reading Cover songs… sometimes a good thing… sometimes NOT