This one was less daunting than the one that Rob McLennan posted. 1) What author do you own the most books by? Mercedes Lackey 2) What book do you own the most copies of? The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler I believe (though it's possible that it's a tie with some other CanLit)… Continue reading Are you a Literary Geek? Quiz from Natalie
Category: Uncategorized
School's out for summer!
Short musings about an interesting day: – I caught up with Shreyo! Woo!! – Walking out doors in a skirt and sandals in Edmonton rocks! Spring has sprung. – 15% Tuesday brings out the best and worst in people. – I like it when people support my side of a disagreement, even when the disagreement… Continue reading School's out for summer!
Back but still luggage-less…
Fortunately Canadian North says it will be delivered today. That said, I have no idea of WHEN. And I still need to grocery shop and do laundry and hopefully otherwise leave the house. There ars simply so many THINGS in that suitcase. GATC this year was good fun: I got along well with both the… Continue reading Back but still luggage-less…
Yet another trip to Indy…
… this time for my 3rd GATC. The first was as Governor, the second as Trustee and this time it's as soon to be District Administrator. Crazy, really. 2003, 2005, 2009. Things have changed in how this conference is run over the years, so I'm intrigued as to how much I'll get out of it.… Continue reading Yet another trip to Indy…
Insult me, why don'tcha?
It's enough that he critiqued my short story in class (which realistically he was supposed to do) with such pointed terms. I understand that he disliked it, and that's fine by me. But apparently not having watched the right movies is a crime against nature, and going to school for 9+ years at the post-secondary… Continue reading Insult me, why don'tcha?
Lately people have been remarking on my pseudo-luddite-ish tendancies…
… and much pointing and laughter has ensued. Why? – I do not own a cell phone. Apparently this is a travesty of immense proportions. Pointing and laughing actually did happen this weekend. Normally it's just the ridiculing, but really this was crazy! – I do not Twitter. And people were aghast. – I have… Continue reading Lately people have been remarking on my pseudo-luddite-ish tendancies…
Not quite a gripe and moan but…
First complaint: why in tarnation does EVERYTHING have to happen at the same time? This summer is getting more and more complicated to plan for and it hasn't even started yet. Heck, spring barely started. People PLEASE stop planning things for the same exact times as other people. Thanks! Other complaint: radio going to… Continue reading Not quite a gripe and moan but…
I got in!!
I am going to be a graduate student!!! That was the best email I could have possibly ever received today! I'm smiling uncontrollably. I'm laughing. I'm shaking. I'm… whoa… I need to celebrate. Somehow.
Guess the 25 Movies (from their quotes meme from Cass) [yes I'm procrastinating homework again]
1. Pick 25 of your favorite movies. 2. Go to and find a quote from each movie. 3. Post them in a note for everyone to guess. 4. Bold when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie. 5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDB search functions! 1. Oh my twitchy witchy girl, I… Continue reading Guess the 25 Movies (from their quotes meme from Cass) [yes I'm procrastinating homework again]
Firsts meme (from Devon)
1. Who was your FIRST prom date? n/a 2. Who was your first kiss? Technically I think we were playing a board game called Post Office (which does actually exist). No I don't remember his name. 3. What was your 1st alcoholic drink? Full drink: champagne. I had probably tasted beer or wine before that… Continue reading Firsts meme (from Devon)