1. You can ONLY answer 'Yes' or 'No'. 2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone comments you and asksΓÇö and, believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming. NOTHING is exactly as it seems. Been arrested? No Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes Slept in until 5 PM?… Continue reading Have I ever meme (from Marisa)
Category: Uncategorized
Vacation, here I come!
So, following tomorrow's work shift (and it should HYPOTHETICALLY be less stressful than the work chaos of earlier this week [including computer issues, customers, injuries and bizarre thefts among other things]), I will be on vacation, heading to my parents' place for a dental appointment, back to Edmonton, to Calgary to visit a friend and… Continue reading Vacation, here I come!
Back to Edmonton… and much to do in limited time.
So I'm back home. And looking at 6 more work days (8 consecutive in total) now before heading off again, this time to a dental appointment followed by a trip to Calgary and then my trip to Vegas. I don't even think I have breathing space if I want to get everything done (thank goodness… Continue reading Back to Edmonton… and much to do in limited time.
A meme! (from Maria)
I want to know 36 things about you. I don't care if we never talk or if we already know everything about each other. Short and sweet is fine. You're on my list, so I want to know you better! BE HONEST! COPY FROM HERE THEN SEND DIRECTLY TO ME IN A COMMENT THEN, REPOST… Continue reading A meme! (from Maria)
Books and Movies… oh my! :)
So, someone mentions that I haven't posted much lately, and she's right, I haven't. So I guess I'll start by writing about that which I had been mentally thinking about posting lately: various media. I've been reading a smattering of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and magazines lately. Plus I finally read the Watchmen, which I adored.… Continue reading Books and Movies… oh my! 🙂
ABC 123 Facebook meme
The rules are: *you enter the letter into the search box and first name to appear you must answer truthfully ..Then tag the people you answered questions about! note: yes I am posting this to LJ first. Why? Because as a rule I post all notes to LJ and cross post them to Facebook. Just… Continue reading ABC 123 Facebook meme
My Abecedary (from Aaron)
A–Age: 26 B–Bed size: Queen C–Chore you hate: hmmm… washing the floors D–Dog's name: n/a (I've never had a pet) E–Essential Start-Your-Day items: Hmmm… clothing. BREAKFAST. Beyond that it depends on the day I'm having. F–Favourite Colour: red G–Gold or Silver: No real preference: Gold is more malleable, silver more durable (but it tarnishes). I… Continue reading My Abecedary (from Aaron)
Maybe (just maybe) I'm starting to de-stress…
… and check a few items off of my too-full to-do list. While I'm currently operating on next to no sleep (and operating surprisingly well), I've had a rather good weekend. Certainly I didn't get to do EVERYTHING I wanted to do, but it was replete with different experiences (and yes, that work thing too…).… Continue reading Maybe (just maybe) I'm starting to de-stress…
So apparently I still need to relax…
Or something of the sort. I was in a perfect mood today (after a bizarre work shift, really what with doors being broken, people being sick, and the crazy snow/cold weather) and my computer printer decided it didn't want to print. Now my next action was to mention it to people online and hope that… Continue reading So apparently I still need to relax…
Not much to say… but transit adventures are fun (plus I'm a couch potato!).
So I got home from Regina safe and sound. It felt good to doze on the way back (I tend to doze/sleep on the way home from trips rather than en route to get there). That whole weekend consisted of a lot of sitting and eating (yes, and productive stuff too). It strikes me that… Continue reading Not much to say… but transit adventures are fun (plus I'm a couch potato!).