Vacation, here I come!

So, following tomorrow's work shift (and it should HYPOTHETICALLY be less stressful than the work chaos of earlier this week [including computer issues, customers, injuries and bizarre thefts among other things]), I will be on vacation, heading to my parents' place for a dental appointment, back to Edmonton, to Calgary to visit a friend and… Continue reading Vacation, here I come!

A meme! (from Maria)

I want to know 36 things about you. I don't care if we never talk or if we already know everything about each other. Short and sweet is fine. You're on my list, so I want to know you better! BE HONEST! COPY FROM HERE THEN SEND DIRECTLY TO ME IN A COMMENT THEN, REPOST… Continue reading A meme! (from Maria)

Books and Movies… oh my! :)

So, someone mentions that I haven't posted much lately, and she's right, I haven't. So I guess I'll start by writing about that which I had been mentally thinking about posting lately: various media. I've been reading a smattering of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and magazines lately. Plus I finally read the Watchmen, which I adored.… Continue reading Books and Movies… oh my! 🙂

ABC 123 Facebook meme

The rules are: *you enter the letter into the search box and first name to appear you must answer truthfully ..Then tag the people you answered questions about! note: yes I am posting this to LJ first. Why? Because as a rule I post all notes to LJ and cross post them to Facebook. Just… Continue reading ABC 123 Facebook meme

My Abecedary (from Aaron)

A–Age: 26 B–Bed size: Queen C–Chore you hate: hmmm… washing the floors D–Dog's name: n/a (I've never had a pet) E–Essential Start-Your-Day items: Hmmm… clothing. BREAKFAST. Beyond that it depends on the day I'm having. F–Favourite Colour: red G–Gold or Silver: No real preference: Gold is more malleable, silver more durable (but it tarnishes). I… Continue reading My Abecedary (from Aaron)

Not much to say… but transit adventures are fun (plus I'm a couch potato!).

So I got home from Regina safe and sound. It felt good to doze on the way back (I tend to doze/sleep on the way home from trips rather than en route to get there). That whole weekend consisted of a lot of sitting and eating (yes, and productive stuff too). It strikes me that… Continue reading Not much to say… but transit adventures are fun (plus I'm a couch potato!).