Colin has been a most excellent host on this, my trip to Vancouver. The first evening, we watched some film shorts, and talked before I called it a night. On Monday, we walked about downtown — making it to a nifty used bookshop, to Chinatown, to the Japanese food store/Pocky store (I may have to… Continue reading Vancouver adventures…
Category: Uncategorized
ICON, Victoria and travel to Vancouver
So the last day of LSSP (Fellowship day) went splendidly. We did an Amazing Race style activity including the library and art gallery… both of which I enjoyed (though the library was better). Our team placed second which was pretty stellar, and then we had awards and a pizza lunch with tonnes of candy for… Continue reading ICON, Victoria and travel to Vancouver
Freezers, Halloween decorations, and Sleep deprivation equals a whole lot of fun…
… or so LSSP tells us as it draws to a close yet again. Yesterday we went to Greater Birmingham Ministries (which includes churches of many denominations including Christian, Jewish and Muslim) and while many worked in the garden, I helped clean out a couple freezers, chipping off all the ice and giving it to… Continue reading Freezers, Halloween decorations, and Sleep deprivation equals a whole lot of fun…
It seems I have time and internet to update this…
… and so I will. Today I spent most of the day up on the top of ladders using a nail gun. The expression on the Habitat for Humanity staff member's face when *I* answered his questions of does anyone know how to use a nail gun? and who here has worked on a house… Continue reading It seems I have time and internet to update this…
In Birmingham…
Got to Birmingham, Alabama okay. Flights were on time, unlike for many many others. We ate at Chick-fil-a (sp?) before driving back to the hotel in the POURING rain. Quite an adventure, and that's before the LSSP craziness really began. I'm pretty happy with things so far. All of my district has finally arrived, which… Continue reading In Birmingham…
Heading off for an actual vacation?
But first I will go to LSSP/ICON in Alabama and then to a wedding in Victoria… with some visiting with friends and relatives along the way. Vancouver will be the location of a 'real' vacation (after the planned events, not that they aren't fun either, because they're more than fun!) but I haven't planned out… Continue reading Heading off for an actual vacation?
15 Books
Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. List 15 books you've read that will always stick with you. They should be the first 15 you can recall in no more than 15 minutes. (please excuse my spelling errors etc.) 1. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 2. Arrows of the Queen… Continue reading 15 Books
Getting to know you quiz from Brittany
Getting to Know Each OTHER… copy all questions, write response, and tag other victims. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you – in a creepy stalker kind of way. 😉 1. What time did you get up this morning? 9:30ish was when I finally got out of bed. 2.… Continue reading Getting to know you quiz from Brittany
Relaxing at home aka. recovering from wisdom teeth removal
So for the last several days I've been lazing about at home. For good reason of course: On Friday afternoon I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed (plus a cyst) under general anesthetic. It was the first time I've ever had anesthetic or surgery of any sort so that was kind of novel.… Continue reading Relaxing at home aka. recovering from wisdom teeth removal
I really haven't been updating regularly…
… but I'm in an odd state of mind. My Facebook status points out that I'm totally in a read, eat snackfood and hermiting myself mood, so to speak but I guess I should point out some of the stuff that's happening. – I'm really looking forward to my August travels, especially as they are… Continue reading I really haven't been updating regularly…