… in other words, I think I'll be able to handle things just fine, regardless of the fact that apparently the first month will be spent learning xml (which reminds me of Hanne's comments about her crash course this summer… and somehow the fact that it'll be a month's worth of learning rather than just… Continue reading First day on campus provides perspective…
Category: Uncategorized
Am I actually more nervous about school NOW of all times?
Tomorrow I attend two orientations (or rather, bits and pieces of two orientations) for school. Tomorrow this grad school thing becomes something closer to a reality. Tomorrow… is nearly today!
The Road Home (from Regina)
Saturday of convention went excellently. My speach was well received (thanks again to Louis for the hard work he put into the powerpoint presentation — without it, I would not have been able to present it nearly so well). Books for Africa actually generated a fair bit of buzz from the Kiwanians. Ian's Key Club… Continue reading The Road Home (from Regina)
Hilbilly Hoedown and other adventures
After a day's board meetings, Ian and I went walking. We found a Korean grocery store where he bought shrimp crackers (in a massive bag!) before walking down toward the Casino and back, and then heading toward Victoria Park. Victoria Park was wonderful for people watching among other things: Ian climbed a tree! Plus there… Continue reading Hilbilly Hoedown and other adventures
In Regina…
Yet another hotel room, though this time, a familiar hotel. I've made it safe and sound to Regina, and am enjoying my stay as of yet. Last night was a Kiwanis District board dinner at The Diplomat restaurant (loved the decor!), which was a pretty fancy steakhouse etc. It was good to see the board… Continue reading In Regina…
Three Things
You are supposed to write a note with the 3's of YOU. ——————————————————- 3 names I go by: 1. Ali 2. Ali Kira 3. Ali G 3 jobs I've had in my life: 1. Cashier 2. Hostess 3. Bartender 3 places I've lived: 1. Edmonton 2. Montreal 3. Revelstoke 3 favorite drinks 1. Juice 2.… Continue reading Three Things
I'm still not caught up on emails, but the deluge of school-related emails has begun, and I'm understandably worried. Not so much from the Library side of things, but… heck, while I'm *relatively* computer savvy compared to the majority of the population, I guess, my pseudo-ludditish tendencies might be my downfall. I don't know a… Continue reading Overwhelmed…
A Crazy day (aka. yesterday)
So I had finally decided to go to the Fringe yesterday. I had already determined that I would be unable to see Captain Hook vs. the Zombies due to work/travel time constraints, among other plays, but wanted to see at least a bit of the Fringe. I bought tickets, planned my stay and otherwise was… Continue reading A Crazy day (aka. yesterday)
Trip wrap up (yes I'm back in Edmonton… temporarily!)
Thursday morning Aliana called, and I walked over to her place to spend some time with her. She was baking some VERY delicious muffins and butter tart squares. I also ate blueberries, and drank orange juice. She was a great host! The visit wasn't terribly long, but it was good to see her, especially since… Continue reading Trip wrap up (yes I'm back in Edmonton… temporarily!)
15 Movies
Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen movies you've seen that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes. In no particular order: 1. The Pianist 2. 10 Things I Hate About You 3. Where The Heart Is 4. Nice Girls Don't Explode 5.… Continue reading 15 Movies