May your life be interesting… IS a curse (but would I have it any other way?)

Today has been a good day. I hurt (primarily my ankle and elbow and arm and shoulder) but that's just my luck of falling down the stairs as we exited the Alberta Legislature building. But let's backtrack a bit. So my day started with my 9am class as usual and it was a pretty great… Continue reading May your life be interesting… IS a curse (but would I have it any other way?)

Quiz from Beth

Instead of having the normal work break, I am filling this out, seeing as Beth emailed it to me: 1. What is your occupation right now? Graduate Research Assistant, and Customer Service Specialist Front End/Health and Safety Co-Chair 2. What color are your socks right now? Red! 3. What are you listening to right now?… Continue reading Quiz from Beth

Brief Update Post Winnipeg

So I survived the Winnipeg adventure. Not that that should be a surprise to anyone, really, it being CKI and that having been my life for many years. Regardless, it was a FTC, people attended from THREE schools (yes that's right, three!), and Louis provided some great entertainment in his winning the Softball season to… Continue reading Brief Update Post Winnipeg

In Winnipeg at the UofM

Yesterday was an adventure. Poor Louis wasn't having a terribly amazing day (unfortunately) though we certainly did have a great lunch and dinner. I was amused at the quality of food available at the lunch place we went to on campus — in fact it even had lots of yummy vegan options. I had some… Continue reading In Winnipeg at the UofM

On Evangelion: 1.0 You are (not) alone

Watching the movie, Evangelion: 1.0 at Scotiabank Theatre this evening, I was reminded of my animé watching experiences from my youth. The plot for this first movie pretty much mirrored what I watched at that point, and fulfilled my expectations in that respect. Certainly it was interesting to watch it again, with the overly expressive/dynamic… Continue reading On Evangelion: 1.0 You are (not) alone

On Teresa Dobson's Talk

Teresa Dobson presented The role of multimedia in critical literary and literary education on September 24th as part of the Humanities Computing Colloquium series. The electronic world has given us the opportunity to create texts that act in different manners than those provided in the codex or book format, and/or are simply linear in progression.… Continue reading On Teresa Dobson's Talk