When I was a kid, I played poker — not frequently certainly, but I learned 5 card and 7 card stud… and wasn't necessarily very good at it. I never played for money, though playing for plastic chips or edibles each made for fun experiences. I mean sure I played cards: Crib and Oh Hell… Continue reading Playing poker
Category: Uncategorized
Was Friday the 13th of November, 2015 just an ordinary day?
For the most part yes. I mean, yes there were a lot of differences, certainly, but although the media focused entirely upon the tragedy unfolding in Paris throughout the afternoon/evening/night (depending on timezone), and although my social media feeds were blowing up based upon these particular happenings, and yes my emotions and even my plans… Continue reading Was Friday the 13th of November, 2015 just an ordinary day?
Friday the 13th: on Luck and Privilege
So some folks think of Friday the 13th as a particularly lucky or unlucky day. When I was a kid, I chose to think of it as potentially lucky but on the whole didn't really react strongly to it either way. As an adult, Friday the 13th continues to be just another day. I mean… Continue reading Friday the 13th: on Luck and Privilege
Childish vs. Child-like fun
Recently, a friend of mine was posting to social media about society's prejudices against him doing supposedly childish things. This reminds me a lot of the whole geek-shaming thing, where people try to demarcate boundaries between what is socially acceptable and what is not. Well you know what? There's nothing stopping this grown woman from… Continue reading Childish vs. Child-like fun
The 1980s… in theatre form
On Tuesday night, Jon and I had the chance to join many Yelp Elites (and plus 1s) for a really excellent night at the Mayfield Dinner Theatre for opening night of their new show, Back to the '80s. Because it was a Yelp Elite event, it was time for full-blown costuming, and so I did… Continue reading The 1980s… in theatre form
Civilization V
One of my all time favourite video games is Civilization V. And while I've played MANY hours of this game, I've yet to exhaust the number of combinations of win conditions and civilizations that I could play. Since I only got the DLC recently that added the aspects of religion and spies etc. to the… Continue reading Civilization V
Doctor Who — my biggest fandom?
I'm actually not terribly enamoured with the word fandom to be honest. Still, as a geek, I'm definitely the most enthusiastic about Doctor Who when it comes to the media properties I could be watching. In fact it's probably the only show (other than maybe Sherlock) that I follow carefully enough to not miss any… Continue reading Doctor Who — my biggest fandom?
On the topic of Extra Life 2015
So Yesterday I gamed for a full 24 hours. And this is why I half-expected it and am not entirely disappointed that I didn't blog yesterday. I really wanted to but I missed a day and that's A-OK with me. You see I was playing game with Jon for 24 hours for the Extra Life… Continue reading On the topic of Extra Life 2015
Childhood understandings of politics
While I rarely post strong views in full-fledged blog posts about current political issues (those are more likely to be followed on Twitter or talked about in person or something but not nearly as likely to make up a full-fledged blog post), I think now is a good time to type about some of my… Continue reading Childhood understandings of politics
Happy thoughts
Since a writing prompt for today was about what makes me happy, and since I have been working really hard this week on job applications and other tasks that are not necessarily immediately rewarding… I figured I ought to make a list of ten things that make me happy. I wonder if I can actually… Continue reading Happy thoughts