GIS Day summary

If you hadn't noticed, I have begun to blog about various academic and semi-academic talks that I have had the pleasure of attending. While, yes this began as a course assignment, I have determined that I enjoy doing so, therefore I think I'll continue as a practice — though I likely won't blog every single… Continue reading GIS Day summary

Addresses please?

So I'm about to start the annual Christmas card tradition, and it strikes me, yet again that I don't necessarily have accurate address information for everyone to whom I want to write. Indeed, a number of people have moved into new abodes, some in new cities, provinces, states and countries. Others, I have no idea… Continue reading Addresses please?

My time is more valuable than this, really it is.

Instead of being productive and actually getting started on my php homework like I was supposed to be doing, I got stuck. Why? Because my wampserver isn't operating properly. It's supposed to open a page at http://localhost (essentially opening its www directory) but it won't open this page. All the problems I can think of… Continue reading My time is more valuable than this, really it is.

On Michael Olsson's talk

Today, Michael Olsson gave an excellent talk about Shakespeare, or rather about a study that he completed through interviews of 36 participants from Canada, Finland and the UK, who were all involved as actors, directors, designers or dramaturages with Shakespeare productions. Each semi-structured interview lasted on average about two hours but ranged in length from… Continue reading On Michael Olsson's talk

On Dr. Howard D. White's first talk (SLIS Distinguished Visitor)

During the week of October 5-11, Dr. Howard D. White from Drexel University's College of Information Science was a Distinguished Visitor at the University of Alberta's School of Library and Information Studies. He presented three excellent lectures during this time period. The first lecture was on the use of author-centered citation data. This lecture explained… Continue reading On Dr. Howard D. White's first talk (SLIS Distinguished Visitor)