All I want for Christmas…

… realistically involves a number of things. And yes, this is the annual Christmas list. No, I'm not at home to consult my handy dandy list of items I've written down over the years that I actually might want/need. Instead I'll go from memory and update it if I feel it needs it when I… Continue reading All I want for Christmas…

Change of template :)

For the first time in all the years that I've been posting to this blog, I'm experimenting a little by changing the template. It's just that little bit more informative/customizeable, so that's definitely a plus. Christmas posts to follow, as I've been inevitably too busy to concern myself with the trappings of this holiday, that… Continue reading Change of template 🙂

On Sandra Gabriele's HuCo Colloquium talk

On November 20, 2009, Sandra Gabriele presented a talk entitled Visual Differentiation in Look-alike Medication Names: Evaluating Design in Context. With regards to errors in a hospital setting, Sandra Gabriele's design background has allowed her to look into how the design of medication labels may affect the frequency of errors. The paper on which the… Continue reading On Sandra Gabriele's HuCo Colloquium talk

On Paula Simons's talk

On November 19, at noon in the Senate Chamber in the historic Arts building at the UofA, Paula Simons spoke about one of her most influential Comparative Literature professors, Henry Kriesel. I was fascinated by her telling of his story: I never really knew much about him before, though I had attended several lectures named… Continue reading On Paula Simons's talk