The Olympic torch on a chilly Edmonton evening….

… tonight, during a 15 minute break from work, I walked to Jasper ave and saw a little segment of the torch relay. I even took my very first video with my phone and some (somewhat blurry) photos with my phone. The photos can be found at: Here the video should be (it's my… Continue reading The Olympic torch on a chilly Edmonton evening….

I think I'm finally getting into the groove of school-mode…

… but I'm still procrastinating a fair deal. I have got into a semi-habit of playing the Wii Fit regularly though so that's a start. Today I learned how to use IRC (thanks Michael!), and I downloaded iTunes (along with the new Vampire Weekend album, and some scattered tracks) to use my gift card. I'm… Continue reading I think I'm finally getting into the groove of school-mode…

A somewhat brief update from a girl whose life is different than she expected it to be at this point

So, as some of you know, there is a man in my life. At this point he's halfway around the world, but he's definitely in my life. I miss him incredibly much and at this point I hope to make it to Norway eventually (soon?) to visit, but we'll see. Certainly not what I would… Continue reading A somewhat brief update from a girl whose life is different than she expected it to be at this point

So, tomorrow school starts again… so today's a good time to reflect on my vacation…

… because that's what it was, a vacation, right? I planned on catching up on research work, cleaning, and other mundane chores around the house this holiday season. Instead, I met a most wonderful gentleman, and ended up having a rather enjoyable holiday indeed! Plus, I was spoiled at Christmas, purchased a tonne of excellent… Continue reading So, tomorrow school starts again… so today's a good time to reflect on my vacation…

Getting spoiled!

Beth and I exchanged gifts tonight, because I don't know what my schedule will be like in the next few days (nor hers) leading up to Christmas. I got an Arrogant Worms CD (Russell's Shorts) and The Essential Weird Al Yankovic! I'm so very spoiled! 🙂 In other news, tonight was a wonderful Kiwanis social… Continue reading Getting spoiled!

Maybe I should be more academically productive, but…

… heck it's the holidays. And I'm having one damn good time. In other news, yesterday I volunteered the CKI Bissell Centre Gift Wrap from 10:30am-9pm. It was good, but could have been much much better. Regardless I met some great fellow volunteers and had some great company. I'm not getting much sleep lately, but… Continue reading Maybe I should be more academically productive, but…