Pirates and lectures and busy-ness… all in a few days of a SLIS grad student

Just a brief note: I'm really enjoying myself as of late (I'm VERY busy with everything from data entry to conference planning to classes, to work, to fun, YES fun!). Monday night's SLIS board games were extra awesome. I lost at Clue, I lost at Killer Bunnies, and I did reasonably well at Bananagrams. Edmonton… Continue reading Pirates and lectures and busy-ness… all in a few days of a SLIS grad student

Another less-productive-than-I'd-like-to-be weekend, but I'm making progress and having a great time

This weekend, I watched XIII: The Conspiracy with J.D. and totally found it both suspenseful and entertaining. Perhaps one day I should actually watch the Bourne movies as there seems to be a fair bit of similarity to the Bourne Identity from what I understand. I've been watching a lot of dystopian movies lately. I… Continue reading Another less-productive-than-I'd-like-to-be weekend, but I'm making progress and having a great time

Home from Denver (and the SLP Conference) armed with pictures!

Firstly I did finally upload the few pics I got of the Oil Capital Kiwanis meeting at YESS (Youth Emergency Shelter Society) where Drago was given his VP pin. They can be found at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2183097&id=120402019&l=1d81198050 This weekend while at the SLP conference we were treated to both a wonderful '80s session complete with the outfits… Continue reading Home from Denver (and the SLP Conference) armed with pictures!

Spreading the love…

Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one reason why I think you're spectacular. Then repost this [if you like] and spread the love.

In Denver safe and sound…

… but maybe a little bit more stuffed up than I would otherwise like. The Inverness seems like a reasonable enough hotel that I'm really going to like the amenities here (case in point: free wireless!) but gosh the trip here was an adventure. Firstly, I had originally booked this particular flight in the hopes… Continue reading In Denver safe and sound…

Around the world in 80 days – For the travellers (meme from Karena)

Here is a list of >150 well known places (landmarks, cities, countries etc). Copy and paste this into a new note/post/blog and tag all your friends who travel and compare where you and your friends have been, and want to go in the future! Fill in the brackets as follows: [x] I've been there [!]… Continue reading Around the world in 80 days – For the travellers (meme from Karena)

Still having trouble being productive, but otherwise having a good time…

Last night's party was great for putting things in perspective. Jenn and Dave's housewarming/Jenn's birthday party was wonderful: I met some new and excellent people and got to see and spend time in a wonderful house that Jenn and Dave have made into a great home. It's nice to see people so happy with a… Continue reading Still having trouble being productive, but otherwise having a good time…