Social Media — time waster/procrastinator… Technology — helpful hindrance! ;)

So this weekend was productive in the WORK area but not so much in the SCHOOL area of life. Still it's been a good weekend. I got a fair bit done on two RA projects that I'm working on which was nice, and managed to procrastinate homework rather horribly. Still I got to spend a… Continue reading Social Media — time waster/procrastinator… Technology — helpful hindrance! 😉

Brief update…

So as you probably may have heard HuCon happened this week, which meant a fair bit of prep work, and a LOT of exhaustion after the fact. This weekend, I've been a bit less than productive, though I've already done my class readings. My RA work is going along at a snail's pace partially because… Continue reading Brief update…

Quick social media post! :)

Apparently I've jumped into some more social media fun (craziness). You may already know that I'm on some other sites (like oh, foursquare, twitter, facebook etc.), but I'm adoring answering questions [at least I do when that site isn't broken]. Ask me whatever you want, really! But that aside, I joined Empire Avenue today… Continue reading Quick social media post! 🙂

Brief post before essay writing (yes I wanna write two papers before I sleep… We'll see how I do!)

So this weekend: rather unproductive in general (this seems to be a trend), but I did get a few minor things accomplished: 1. I made a weekend to-do list. If all goes as planned I'll have accomplished more than half of the immediately urgent important things on the list along with most of the life-balance… Continue reading Brief post before essay writing (yes I wanna write two papers before I sleep… We'll see how I do!)

Ask me anything! :)

Instead of answering just any meme, ask me anything here: (yes, I've jumped on the bandwagon! I blame two individuals whose names conveniently start with the letter 'J').