… and I'm admitting to counting down the days. But in other news, tonight I went to the Citadel to see Beauty and the Beast. I almost didn't buy tickets — but having seen the costumes on display in the Citadel lobby when I went to see other plays, I just had to. And my… Continue reading I leave on Thursday….
Category: Uncategorized
Time's a tickin'
I leave in 5 days. I have 4 more work shifts left. I'm already partially packed. I have a usable cell phone for the Norway part of this trip. I've booked Montreal accomodations 3 times (hopefully it's successful now!). I'll be seeing 2 of the most awesome people I know in Norway. And… tomorrow I'm… Continue reading Time's a tickin'
Writer's Block: First and only
The Princess Bride (there are others but this one stands out).
It's now less than a week until I leave…
… and oh my gawsh there are so many things I'm looking forward to doing! I mean just purely seeing J.D. is going to be great, but as I love to travel and Render gave me some brochures, and I've been perusing some websites I'm totally looking forward to seeing the sites too! Kim will… Continue reading It's now less than a week until I leave…
Time trickles away slowly…
… as I prepare to depart. And it'll be a few fun-filled, busy days in the coming weeks. I have 10 shifts of work scheduled before I take off, plus a couple tasks at my RA job, but otherwise my time is relatively open. I even have a going away/board games party scheduled for the… Continue reading Time trickles away slowly…
Tminus 2 weeks until OSLO! (and J.D.!!)
Gosh how time has flown by… So since the last time I wrote a particularly personal entry quite a bit has happened: the school semester has essentially ended (I'm already getting my grades — slowly though. I do still have a meeting with my client for HuCo 530, but that project's essentially done save for… Continue reading Tminus 2 weeks until OSLO! (and J.D.!!)
Writer's Block: Gone with the wind
Gosh another one of these er questions shows up in my Friends page and I actually try to answer it (is this what my LJ is coming to? I doubt it… but I rather don't wanna type about volcanoes right now and that's what's on my mind… plus computer/website stuff and well other things). In… Continue reading Writer's Block: Gone with the wind
Writer's Block: I can walk under ladders
I thought I'd try answering this one as it did come up in my friends page. As much as people might call me lucky (Wendy for example), I don't actually believe in 'luck' exactly. I believe that certainly if you enter more contests there's a greater likelihood of winning something eventually (which I do enjoy).… Continue reading Writer's Block: I can walk under ladders
Long weekend?
It's a long weekend, which would make a difference in my world if a) I had classes on Mondays or Fridays or b) worked on those days. But regardless, it's a good weekend to go home to see my folks (Sunday for Easter), and it's a good weekend for ridiculous amounts of homework. Still it's… Continue reading Long weekend?
CMS frustration and other fun stuff…
So after a few nights of adequate sleep (as much as I really wanted to go and do fun things, sleep was worth it), I seem to be back at the 'doing productive-ish things on the computer' game. And that means working on my project management project. And that means frustration. I don't feel that… Continue reading CMS frustration and other fun stuff…