I leave on Thursday….

… and I'm admitting to counting down the days. But in other news, tonight I went to the Citadel to see Beauty and the Beast. I almost didn't buy tickets — but having seen the costumes on display in the Citadel lobby when I went to see other plays, I just had to. And my… Continue reading I leave on Thursday….

Time's a tickin'

I leave in 5 days. I have 4 more work shifts left. I'm already partially packed. I have a usable cell phone for the Norway part of this trip. I've booked Montreal accomodations 3 times (hopefully it's successful now!). I'll be seeing 2 of the most awesome people I know in Norway. And… tomorrow I'm… Continue reading Time's a tickin'

Long weekend?

It's a long weekend, which would make a difference in my world if a) I had classes on Mondays or Fridays or b) worked on those days. But regardless, it's a good weekend to go home to see my folks (Sunday for Easter), and it's a good weekend for ridiculous amounts of homework. Still it's… Continue reading Long weekend?