So last night was the banquet for DHSI. It was an evening of REALLY slow service (honestly we didn't get fed until 9pm or so), but we ate with our class and had a good time overall. I got to meet Cindy's husband, and have some good discussions re: the state of the post-secondary education… Continue reading Okay on a more positive note… Banquets and board games!
Category: Uncategorized
The perils of becoming connected online
a.k.a. why exactly did she block me on Twitter? I mean she's a brilliant scholar, a wonderful person with whom I've been taking class this last week and a great person with whom I've socialized and yet though she's one of the more active twitterites, she's blocked me from following her. It doesn't make sense,… Continue reading The perils of becoming connected online
My phone thought I was in America…
So, today at DHSI was pretty excellent. Sure, yesterday was pretty awesome too, but today was somehow just as good or better. Heck this bodes well for the week — although I'm not sure I should be awake right now… I'm pretty tired. The first day I arrived here (Saturday) I got settled and then… Continue reading My phone thought I was in America…
From Montreal to Victoria…
So my stay in Montreal has come and gone. It was a great conference (sdh/semi as part of Congress 2010). I did finally post my pictures to Facebook. And I made it to Victoria (en route I ran across my friend Jordan because of our mutual use of twitter/foursquare. Yay for social networking tools! Anyhow… Continue reading From Montreal to Victoria…
Holy wow, Oslo I'm going to miss you
*sighs* I'm closing in on my final days in Oslo. I've been something of a hybrid tourist/resident here almost: visiting the sites and doing more normal day to day things with J.D. I even put in a few hours of RA work on this trip (alas, not as many as I would have hoped, but… Continue reading Holy wow, Oslo I'm going to miss you
A little Oslo update
So I've been in Oslo for well… one and a half weeks I guess I could say… meaning that I'll be leaving far too soon. I like this city — yes I find the Norwegian hard to read/understand and yes I do thing some things are strange about this city but I do rather like… Continue reading A little Oslo update
Writer's Block: I'm off to see the wizard
Gosh, well… I find that a fair number of movies that I enjoyed as a child have aged remarkably well. Those that haven't, for the most part I don't much remember. Then again I think my impression of the Land Before Time isn't as good as it was when I was a kid, and Who… Continue reading Writer's Block: I'm off to see the wizard
Arrived in Oslo, spending time with J.D. = awesome!
So after an interesting plane flight experience (including two children kicking the back of my seat, a homecooked Lebanese sweet (similar to a donut but nothing like one), kids comparing Norway to Canada, kids being friendly, and whatnot), an interesting yet brief connection at Heathrow, and a fun arrival in Oslo (I rather like the… Continue reading Arrived in Oslo, spending time with J.D. = awesome!
Snow, snow, and more wet soggy snow
Yes, Edmonton had its wonderful (insert sarcasm here) snow day today. Yes I was a good responsible woman this morning and wore appropriate clothing. No, I didn't do quite as well this afternoon on my trip to work and thus nearly fell in a puddle (but I didn't!) and nearly slipped on this slippery stuff… Continue reading Snow, snow, and more wet soggy snow
Maybe Empire Avenue is getting me to post more frequently?
Or it's just my excitement about summer travel plans. Regardless if you want an Empire Avenue invite, contact me (I have lots). I believe that this site has a lot of potential and really enjoy using it. Heck I'm more than just a little bit happy to be doing as well as I am with… Continue reading Maybe Empire Avenue is getting me to post more frequently?