From Montreal to Victoria…

So my stay in Montreal has come and gone. It was a great conference (sdh/semi as part of Congress 2010). I did finally post my pictures to Facebook. And I made it to Victoria (en route I ran across my friend Jordan because of our mutual use of twitter/foursquare. Yay for social networking tools! Anyhow… Continue reading From Montreal to Victoria…

A little Oslo update

So I've been in Oslo for well… one and a half weeks I guess I could say… meaning that I'll be leaving far too soon. I like this city — yes I find the Norwegian hard to read/understand and yes I do thing some things are strange about this city but I do rather like… Continue reading A little Oslo update

Arrived in Oslo, spending time with J.D. = awesome!

So after an interesting plane flight experience (including two children kicking the back of my seat, a homecooked Lebanese sweet (similar to a donut but nothing like one), kids comparing Norway to Canada, kids being friendly, and whatnot), an interesting yet brief connection at Heathrow, and a fun arrival in Oslo (I rather like the… Continue reading Arrived in Oslo, spending time with J.D. = awesome!