So, as a habit, or trend on this blog over the 6.5 years I've been writing odd musings here, I've been posting something of wishlists for birthdays and Christmases (partly to help family and friends who request these). And each year they're different, because they include both pipedreams (things that'll never happen) and items that… Continue reading Birthday wishes (2010 edition)
Category: Uncategorized
A busy weekend, but a worthwhile one…
Gosh I've been a busy girl this weekend — and that doesn't necessarily mean that I've been terribly productive in the work/school sense, but I've certainly done quite a bit on the personal development front. I do rather need to get back into the groove with work and whatnot, but in the time being, I… Continue reading A busy weekend, but a worthwhile one…
New Web Cam and other camera related thoughts.
So as some of you may have read, I managed to break my ol' trusty point and shoot digital camera while stepping off of a moving walkway at the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas. Hence my having only three pictures from that trip (what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, eh?). I have been to Vegas… Continue reading New Web Cam and other camera related thoughts.
Vegas and food poisoning, oh my!
So I managed to drop and break my camera on my second day in Vegas, so I only have like two photos to post (and I'll post them eventually, but they're not all that amazing or anything). The camera's likely fixable: I broke it the same way like 3 or 4 years ago now and… Continue reading Vegas and food poisoning, oh my!
Leaving for Vegas…
… and while I'm quite a bit more excited (I bought a ticket to VivaElvis, now that discounts seem to be available!), I'm still in no mood to travel so soon after the last trip. I have so very much to catch up on, and I'm by no means finished the paper that I've been… Continue reading Leaving for Vegas…
Thoughts on the upcoming trip to Vegas
So I'm going to Vegas this week. And I'm not entirely looking forward to it. I mean, yes, I do go to a tonne of unusual/not necessarily traditional or expected cities for conventions, and sure Vegas does have a certain draw, but I've been there twice since 2007 (2007 and 2009). I may be a… Continue reading Thoughts on the upcoming trip to Vegas
Feeding the mind, body and soul…
Gosh it feels good to talk to people. As I've mentioned before, I don't do well without human interaction. I need balance, and balance for me is a constant battle but one that I don't plan on giving up on any time soon. So yesterday being back at work wasn't an altogether bad thing: I… Continue reading Feeding the mind, body and soul…
Back to the balancing act…
My life is a balancing act: I value balance between work, school, social spheres, fitness, health etc. far more than I do many other things. And it isn't an easy job to balance these things. So when I have a day when I get more settled in my mind, more prepared for the future, or… Continue reading Back to the balancing act…
Home sweet home?
I'm home. And it's a place that I can call my own, full of my own clutter (I feel like I ought to be doing a TONNE of cleaning right now — JD has likely been a good influence on me in at least that area: wanting to clean, organize and do dishes on a… Continue reading Home sweet home?
My so-called vacation winds down
DHSI is over for the year. DHSI 2011 looks to be pretty rad though — not sure if I'll attend, I certainly doubt I'd have the luck to get nearly as great of funding as I did in winning the ACH scholarship in addition to the SSHRC scholarship to attend. I haven't asked for or… Continue reading My so-called vacation winds down