Birthday wishes (2010 edition)

So, as a habit, or trend on this blog over the 6.5 years I've been writing odd musings here, I've been posting something of wishlists for birthdays and Christmases (partly to help family and friends who request these). And each year they're different, because they include both pipedreams (things that'll never happen) and items that… Continue reading Birthday wishes (2010 edition)

Leaving for Vegas…

… and while I'm quite a bit more excited (I bought a ticket to VivaElvis, now that discounts seem to be available!), I'm still in no mood to travel so soon after the last trip. I have so very much to catch up on, and I'm by no means finished the paper that I've been… Continue reading Leaving for Vegas…

Home sweet home?

I'm home. And it's a place that I can call my own, full of my own clutter (I feel like I ought to be doing a TONNE of cleaning right now — JD has likely been a good influence on me in at least that area: wanting to clean, organize and do dishes on a… Continue reading Home sweet home?