And fun things reward a paper written: SOSFest and Much Ado About Nothing!

So, Beth tells me today that not only can I attend the outdoor concerts for SOSFest for free but that one of my absolute favorite bands is playing… well of course I attend! We walked down to Whyte Ave together and catch The Fugitives live! It was a wonderful concert — not as good as… Continue reading And fun things reward a paper written: SOSFest and Much Ado About Nothing!

Woohoo! Paper is written!

Paper is written, proofread, and sent. Gotta love productivity! (note that I had been working on this paper since December essentially, but managed to do more than half of the work in the last week, thus my enthusiasm) (note also that while it may be summer vacation from classes, the grad student never gets a… Continue reading Woohoo! Paper is written!

Organizing: done for the moment… working and catching up: nearly on target!

Okay, so it's not quite the first week of July anymore. This means that I am probably a little further behind on the self-imposed deadline for the paper I'm writing than I would like to be, but I'm mostly caught up on my distractions. Indeed: I finally managed to wade through all the district administrator… Continue reading Organizing: done for the moment… working and catching up: nearly on target!