So by popular demand I'm making a top ten list of things I liked about 2010 (number 10 being the awesomest, but the rest of the order is relatively arbitrary). 2010 10. Having an excellent boyfriend: JD. 9. Having the ability to travel to Oslo. 8. Being able to help host a couple successful academic… Continue reading 2010 & 2011 musings
Category: Uncategorized
Wishing everyone a happy and safe New Year's Eve!
Tonight I'll head over to a friend's place for the early bit of the evening, and then come home to host people for board games starting at around 10pm. If you're interested in joining in the board game fun, please feel free to contact me (email, message, phone etc. all work) if you need the… Continue reading Wishing everyone a happy and safe New Year's Eve!
Why not make lemonade?
Today was one of those days where the whole life gives me lemons and I make lemonade saying seemed to be my motto of the day. The morning began with me sleeping in luxuriously (heck it's the time between Christmas and New Years, I'm allowed some relaxing moments), of course I awoke sore from all… Continue reading Why not make lemonade?
Spoiled this Christmas! :)
It's been a great Christmas! I feel very lucky and very spoiled. I think my family got a lot of great gifts (there were only a few duplicates), and I received some wonderful items myself. Mom (I helped a bit but not that much) made a wonderful turkey dinner which we enjoyed and there is… Continue reading Spoiled this Christmas! 🙂
Happy Christmas one and all! :)
I go home to my parents' house tonight. The presents I'm bringing will arrive after me (many will be sent with my brother as I highly doubt I can carry them all). I'll bring some stuff with me to the LRT (someone will pick me up from the LRT station) but the majority will arrive… Continue reading Happy Christmas one and all! 🙂
Wrapping up the Christmas Season! :)
So I'm slowly accomplishing my Christmas to-do list, and totally enjoying it all the while! I did some Christmas baking (ginger sugar cookies — very unusual but yummy!), I did all my Christmas shopping and wrapping (yay!) and today was even the official opening day for the gift exchange I participate in (at )!… Continue reading Wrapping up the Christmas Season! 🙂
Annual Christmas Wish List (by request)
Every year I put one of these up, mostly to help my family with Christmas shopping and whatnot, but it also becomes a good record of where I am in life I guess, particularly because of the regularity with which I post this. So here goes (in no particular order): – I want JD to… Continue reading Annual Christmas Wish List (by request)
Yummy food, sock puppets and unhappy bus stops (I should have had a sock puppet!)
So this morning I went to the annual GELA brunch. It was delicious! I ate so many yummy things! I also talked to some great people, listened to a good keynote, and learned about putting sock puppets at bus stops to brighten people's days. On the way home, unfortunately, the bus drove past me (waiting… Continue reading Yummy food, sock puppets and unhappy bus stops (I should have had a sock puppet!)
NAHLA Luncheon and Kiwanis Young Professionals Satellite Holiday potluck!
So today was a busy day — not a terribly productive one outside of networking and socializing and cleaning though… but still a very useful one! I got a tonne of cleaning done though and cooking, and entertaining and fun! Today was the NAHLA Holiday Luncheon and Regift Exchange. I think I'm doing a rather… Continue reading NAHLA Luncheon and Kiwanis Young Professionals Satellite Holiday potluck!
My annual jaunt to the craft sale!
So usually I don't actually start the bulk of my Christmas shopping and whatnot until the Butterdome Craft Sale. I also know that the majority of what I actually purchase at the craft sale is usually for myself, but I always do get my shopping started. And that I did, purchasing for three people in… Continue reading My annual jaunt to the craft sale!