So this evening I took a 10K Pokemon GO walk. My goal initially was just to hatch my 5K egg, but then I figured why not hatch a second one, instead of just the first such egg and then I kept walking to get home. The downside of this, is that I was wearing my… Continue reading On games…
Category: Uncategorized
Nearly forgot to write today too
Which isn't really a good start to the month. But really, life is busy and I do have a hard time slowing down. At least if I'm busy lately it's partially an active kind of busy what with gym outings at least once a month with Jon and quite a lot of Pokemon GO walking… Continue reading Nearly forgot to write today too
First day of November…
… and already I am forgetting to write. Glad I remembered eventually, as it is my first day of trying to write every day in November. This is my first attempt at using the LJ app. Not sure if i will switch over to medium at some point rather than attempting to blog here, but… Continue reading First day of November…
My first Gen Con adventure! #GenCon2016
For quite some time now, I've been interested in attending Gen Con. And this year, for the first time, I did. I joined Jon, Cathy, Pete, Lindsay, Jon, and Kathy for a great trip to the Indianapolis area and some wonderful gaming experiences. While there, I did cross paths with one person I knew from… Continue reading My first Gen Con adventure! #GenCon2016
Food and health… delicious and dangerous
So I keep mulling over the idea of starting up a new blog on the Medium platform instead of continuing this one, and then I just choose to keep writing here partly for comfort's sake. I mean I've written here since January 2004 and it still works. Today I called in sick to work, which… Continue reading Food and health… delicious and dangerous
Made it! Blogged nearly every day in November…
… with the noteworthy exception of November 7th when I was doing Extra Life. Blogging mored has meant a better focus on some aspects of my life, but also the redevelopment of a good habit. There's certainly no guarantee or plan for me to write quite as much in the other months of the year,… Continue reading Made it! Blogged nearly every day in November…
This winter, I need to…
… stop burning my tongue. This is the downside of so many warm liquids and foods in general. I want it and I want it now (gosh I can be impatient!). But I ought to be more patient because foods are more tasty when my tastebuds aren't injured by my hot foods. … apply to… Continue reading This winter, I need to…
Music, music, everywhere… but to what shall we listen?
Yesterday, I was reminded of just how odd a music selection I choose to listen to at times. I listen to my personal collection of tunes daily but I guess I associate a lot of it with specific experiences rather than genre, specifically. For example, right this moment, I'm listening to Aerosmith and remembering my… Continue reading Music, music, everywhere… but to what shall we listen?
Black Friday… the shopping extravaganza?
Let's just for the moment forget the other meaning of Black Friday (referring of course to the 1987 Edmonton tornado), and instead think about Black Friday the shopping event. Putting aside the fact that while I definitely prefer Boxing Day sales, and the fact that I ACTUALLY like January shopping the best of all, Black… Continue reading Black Friday… the shopping extravaganza?
Making lemonade
People often say that if life gives them lemons, they ought to make lemonade. And well yesterday was a good example of that: You see, Monday night I started having back pain which interrupted my sleep horribly (it didn't help that someone snowblowed the sidewalk by my bedroom window at 4 in the morning). My… Continue reading Making lemonade