A trip to the Muttart

On Friday, I visited the Muttart Conservatory for the first time in my memory. And while there are many things that I could type about right now about that visit, I wanted to type about the awesomeness of the facility, and I guess my visit to a certain extent. The Muttart Conservatory is made up… Continue reading A trip to the Muttart

Plausibility in films

If you ever watch a movie with me, you'll quickly notice that I get very engrossed with the plot and emotionally affected/involved with the story/characters etc. Recently I watched two films in the theatres: Project X (which I didn't really like) and The Hunger Games (which I enjoyed). While one movie is set hypothetically in… Continue reading Plausibility in films

Yesterday it snowed…

… which to be honest isn't all that surprising given that it's Edmonton and it's April. People think it's common knowledge not to plant your garden outdoors until the May Long Weekend for a reason! But what was surprising to me was the power outages. One woke me up yesterday morning — or rather the… Continue reading Yesterday it snowed…

So there's an election going on in Alberta… please vote!

So as the election politics get crazy in Alberta, I'm reminded yet again that a) The province has only been governed by 4(?) different political party reigns, b) That politics can ever so easily get nasty c) That WAY too many people neglect to vote (or even become informed about the issues), particularly from younger… Continue reading So there's an election going on in Alberta… please vote!

Dancing again

There are a ton of different topics I'd like to type about right now, but I guess I'll just choose one for this particular posting. And that topic is ballroom dance, specifically the dance I attended on Saturday night. You see it had been well over a year since I had last attended any ballroom… Continue reading Dancing again

Day of DH…

So it's Day of DH today. So rather than reading my usual musings here… check out my blog for the day at: http://dayofdh2012.artsrn.ualberta.ca/alikira/ Now back to your regularly scheduled programming, I guess.