… even if my body is sore afterward! This time it's not even my wrists (thank goodness!), and I had a great time. It was my second bike ride of the year, and I rode after work, to Cha Island Tea Company to visit with Basil and friends (he was visiting from out of town,… Continue reading Cycling can be truly awesome…
Category: Uncategorized
Bus ride awesomeneses… or not?
Sometimes watching the folks who take the bus is a pleasure (such as when I'm watching the antics of some smart cute kids and babies as I did on one bus ride yesterday). Sometimes it's just plain bizarre (like when I was greeted by an overly friendly bus driver who constantly joked and teased with… Continue reading Bus ride awesomeneses… or not?
One great thing about 2012 is…
… board games. Sure there are other great things, like having met some new people, having some new great friends, and having solidified some other friendships a bit better. But my love of both the social aspect of board gaming and the mental aspect of learning new games and game mechanics has really helped me… Continue reading One great thing about 2012 is…
I didn't walk to campus today…
… though that was sort of my plan. To run errands. Instead these plans were derailed by a desire to watch the social media storm unfolding surrounding the shooting deaths of three armoured car guards, the severe injury of another guard, and the manhunt that has since followed. Sure I was online last night until… Continue reading I didn't walk to campus today…
Not sure I've mentioned this…
But I guess I've worked at the grocery store for more than 11 years now. Yesterday was my annual review, hence why I guess this struck me as being significant or something. Sure I've done a bunch else in the last bunch of years, particularly as I only work part time there, but that is… Continue reading Not sure I've mentioned this…
Board game mechanics…
It seems that I've struck on the fact that I really like a diverse set of board game mechanics, that said I've noticed that a lot of board games are designed and advertised for a male audience, hence perhaps why I've given them little thought, as much as it turns out I really adore playing… Continue reading Board game mechanics…
Outdoors the sun is shining…
… so what on Earth am I doing inside, you might wonder? Well, catching up still on all the things I have not yet managed to catch up on. This is a frustrating but constant chain of events really. But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the good weather: I did go for a… Continue reading Outdoors the sun is shining…
Kitchener-Waterloo, Victoria and back home… phew!
My crazy travel schedule continues (not surprisingly!)… and it's been a busy, draining, one! On May 27 I flew to the Waterloo Regional Airport (okay it's technically now an International airport but it's the smallest airport I've yet visited, okay?), and got settled in residence at Wilfrid Laurier University. The first conference I attended was… Continue reading Kitchener-Waterloo, Victoria and back home… phew!
Realistically I have a ton to be thankful for. And I don't often feel like I thank people enough for what they do for me or what they do for others. Sure there are thank you cards, and saying thanks and typing out emails of appreciation and whatnot, but there's so much I want to… Continue reading Thankful…
Bah. Dear cold, could you please go away?
So I'm still stuffed up and dealing with an annoying cold. Now that it's making a dent in my social life (as well as my productive life, but whatever to that), I figured I'd take the time to natter on about it for a moment or two. It's darn hard to sleep with a stuffy… Continue reading Bah. Dear cold, could you please go away?