… yesterday in Edmonton the weather was rather entertaining, you see as I was eating dinner with my folks (a belated birthday outing) at a delicious restaurant (Sushi Garden), looking out the window of the restaurant led us to remark at the fact that the sun was shining beautifully but it was POURING rain. Fortunately… Continue reading On sunshowers and rainbows…
Category: Uncategorized
So there was this chicken chain…
… that doesn't need any more publicity negative or positive. But it seems unusual to me that the battle for/against lgbt rights be fought partly in choosing to frequent a particular fast-food joint. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I haven't eaten at this chain before (although I will say that it has been… Continue reading So there was this chicken chain…
So I'm definitely a cat person…
… for which I blame some great formative experiences and some less so. You see when I was a kid I was in a grade 2/3 split class for both grades 2 and 3. And my teacher, Mme. Doyle, was a HUGE cat person. In fact all of our art projects were themed about cats,… Continue reading So I'm definitely a cat person…
Warm weather, Olympics, and Errands…
To be short, the title of this post summarizes my yesterday (well that and continuing to read the book Sex at Dawn, which I'm finding a rather good read). It was VERY warm yesterday and there were weather alerts across the province because the weather conditions were perfect for well funnel clouds and storms and… Continue reading Warm weather, Olympics, and Errands…
Slowly getting back on track *this transmission interrupted by strange technical errors*…
So it feels good getting back into the groove of things with my daily life in Edmonton. I've been board gaming (went to an excellent Christmas in July party on the weekend) and slowly getting used to a routine of sorts… or at least trying to… Today (and lately) especially has been a bit weird.… Continue reading Slowly getting back on track *this transmission interrupted by strange technical errors*…
Photos from Hamburg! :)
So if you want to see the photos I have from Hamburg, here's the set. I still haven't tagged everyone (partially because it takes time and partially because I keep missing people when I go through the album, or because while I may have friended someone I can't find them when it comes to tagging… Continue reading Photos from Hamburg! 🙂
This year's trip to Capital Ex… and my troubles sleeping properly…
So this morning I awoke to a spam-like phone call. This is unfortunate as I did not sleep well (out of the past 6 nights, I've slept well only 2 out of them, those being Saturday night and Wednesday night — probably partially due to pure exhaustion). I'm imagining that jet lag has a lot… Continue reading This year's trip to Capital Ex… and my troubles sleeping properly…
A great birthday! :)
So I had a pretty awesome birthday. Sure there were aspects that were less than ideal (mostly in the morning when I didn't sleep well or when I felt kind of jet lagged… or when I attempted to use a coupon for a restaurant but found it was closed for renovations though the website claimed… Continue reading A great birthday! 🙂
It's my birthday! :)
And I'm a happy woman today! 🙂 I'm not even going to think about negative things… or at least I'm going to try not to! 🙂
Hamburg: volunteering at DH2012 and other adventures
So I got home from my most recent trip on Saturday evening. And it was quite the trip, in more ways than I previously expected: All was fine of course until I left Edmonton (slightly delayed) and discovered that my in flight entertainment system had a defective headphone jack, resulting in my not being able… Continue reading Hamburg: volunteering at DH2012 and other adventures