Dreaming of the Fringe?

So last night I dreamed of attending bizarre Fringe plays in churches, abandoned building and fields with Laury (who was happy to see the play we saw together, phew!) and JD (who was being enormously picky and strange about theatre…)… and at some point this morphed into being in the plays themselves. This was an… Continue reading Dreaming of the Fringe?

On playing Civilization V

So I don't often play video games these days on my PC (mostly as they tend to eat large chunks of time), and usually stick to relatively casual gaming on my iPod Touch. The exception to this seems to be when I decide to play Civ. And this weekend, I apparently did just that. It… Continue reading On playing Civilization V

Fringe thoughts…

Seeing as I put all of NO planning into going to the Fringe until today… and promptly realized that the 3 shows that I've actually heard of and seem like shows I'd want to attend aren't going to be all on one evening (which would have bean the easiest solution) but instead I'm going to… Continue reading Fringe thoughts…

Four people still have six of my books (on what is apparently a long long term loan)

And, I really don't mind them having them if they're reading them or getting good use out of them. But if they are not (and if they're not somehow lost — and if they're somehow lost I'd love to know about it properly *sighs*) it would be nice to have them back. I like sharing… Continue reading Four people still have six of my books (on what is apparently a long long term loan)

I love receiving mail!

And today was no exception! These days, it is rare to see me in a mall or other shopping establishment (though, of course, I do go on occasion to buy needed things, gifts, etc. and often spend money at local shops etc. but still) compared to the likelihood of finding me at home, at someone's… Continue reading I love receiving mail!

Waking up from an odd dream… and then returning to a world of thought and reflection

So this morning I awoke from a truly bizarre dream. At this point, I don't remember most of the itty bitty details but the emotions of the dream felt so very very real. I remember a bit part where Laury was comforting me in my dream and that was filled with a wash of relief,… Continue reading Waking up from an odd dream… and then returning to a world of thought and reflection

So this past weekend was Kiwanis District Convention… and there was Cirque and…

I spent the past weekend in Medicine Hat. Which was rather nifty: we visited the Historic Clay District, checked out a great museum and I bought a mug that I rather like… I also visited Drumheller and Hanna on the way to and from the event… participated in board meetings, attended and facilitated workshops, and… Continue reading So this past weekend was Kiwanis District Convention… and there was Cirque and…

Olympic frenzy

It's kind of funny how easy it is to get all caught up in the Olympic frenzy. And learn about sports in ways that one hasn't ever learned before. Lately I've been catching most of the news on Twitter but occasionally glancing at the actual media sites online or watching at a bar or friend's… Continue reading Olympic frenzy