The downside of working…

… is when one is in pain. And usually it's my wrists that annoy me (though lately it's occasionally my whole arms or sometimes my eyes or my head or…) but lately it has been my back. It's only a mild annoyance but it's hard not to go and stretch tons (which doesn't work —… Continue reading The downside of working…

Gamifying productivity…

So I'm good at procrastinating. That's a well known fact. And to break some of my more frustrating productivity habits, I've decided that when I have unstructured time at home I'll roll a D20 to decide which of a number of tasks I will concentrate on. The list currently has thesis represented more than anything… Continue reading Gamifying productivity…

On being a Girl Geek

September is a busy month — in fact in some ways it's one of the busiest months (and not just because of that school thing that seem to be doing), because everyone returns from vacations and hunkers down to restart whatsoever it may have been that was on hiatus during the summer months. And of… Continue reading On being a Girl Geek

On Kill the Overlord (the first Kickstarter game I have received in the mail!)

So yesterday's board game gathering (themed around Asian food) was a rousing success! We played a number of games including a bit of RA, Kill the Overlord, Hilarium, some Conversation cards, Cards Against Humanity, and Smart Ass. What I was most excited about was trying out Kill the Overlord for the very first time. You… Continue reading On Kill the Overlord (the first Kickstarter game I have received in the mail!)

LJ vs. other sites

So over the past few months I've had people make the comment that I should move my blog to a different site. And sure I've contemplated it over the years (in fact, at some point I do want to make into something significant), but I really do like what LJ brings to the table:… Continue reading LJ vs. other sites