… to think it's been a little over a year since I first got involved with a crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter. And I've been mainly pretty happy with the experience. Last year I dipped my feet in so to speak, putting my money behind board games for the most part, and while I do enjoy… Continue reading On crowdfunding and a few projects that have really captured my imagination lately…
Category: Uncategorized
So called thesis hell … aka. one of many reasons I haven't been posting here recently
I'm finally done the research phase of my thesis. Which means that now I'm beginning the writing phase (well the writing phase post the thesis proposal from WAY back) and that means I'm back in a stage of procrastination (though I seem to be getting better at that, thanks in part to my gamification strategy… Continue reading So called thesis hell … aka. one of many reasons I haven't been posting here recently
On Daylight Saving Time pet peeves…
Just like the most of you, I dislike losing an hour. But more than that I dislike the fact that the time change means that we're at a different time difference from areas of the world that change at different times (and in different directions than the rest of us). I dislike that we have… Continue reading On Daylight Saving Time pet peeves…
It all comes back to hopes and dreams…
… yes life decisions do have a tendency to do that, don't they? As I strive to improve the sense of balance in my life (and actually get more thesis work done as a consequence), things don't necessarily become any easier, of course. That said, I am reminded once again of what I want to… Continue reading It all comes back to hopes and dreams…
Something tells me I've not been blogging lately…
… yes indeed, I've been busy. I spent another week in bed this month (one week a month since the beginning of the year… this ought not to become a trend, yikes!). And that sent all of February off kilter. But I did recover enough in time for CKI District Convention in Calgary, and for… Continue reading Something tells me I've not been blogging lately…
Sick but emerging from the travel fog…
So how on earth did I manage to not blog here at ALL throughout the month of January? This is completely unlike me! And I've had my LJ since 2004 so it's not like this is a new habit or something! Well part of the reason was purely being physically run down this month. At… Continue reading Sick but emerging from the travel fog…
I rather dislike dishpan hands…
… and while I don't imagine that anyone really likes them or housework in general, housework and chores in general are a necessary part of living (well, I guess except if you're so exceedingly rich that you choose to spend your money on being waited on hand and foot, but even most rich folks don't… Continue reading I rather dislike dishpan hands…
It's that holiday time o' year I guess…
And while there's probably a ton I could write about, including my improving mood (but still my inability to feel well rested, warm, or not plagued by procrastination — most of which I could easily blame on the days being short and not getting enough sunlight, and my apartment feeling unusually cool this holiday season,… Continue reading It's that holiday time o' year I guess…
I guess it's the holidays… so the traditional 'what I want for Christmas' post is in order
And well, I have a bunch of things I could talk about both physical and non, I guess. I maintain two wishlists online: one is on Amazon.ca and only consists of things I stumble upon on Amazon.ca so it's pretty limited but does include a selection of items that I do actually want. http://www.amazon.ca/registry/wishlist/KL451NLK7LUL The… Continue reading I guess it's the holidays… so the traditional 'what I want for Christmas' post is in order
Good gosh I'm cold today!
So, crazy things of all crazy things, I seem to be blogging again so soon after the last one I wrote! Yay me! 🙂 Anyway, perhaps my biggest complaint about Edmonton winter (particularly in this pre-Christmas time frame where the spirit of the holidays normally distracts me from most non-ice related weather complaints) is when… Continue reading Good gosh I'm cold today!