Ah, people have begun to ask for this, so here I go typing this up! And this year there are a few noteworthy wishes and desires along with the usual. I maintain two wishlists online: one is on Amazon.ca and only consists of things I stumble upon on Amazon.ca so it's pretty limited but does… Continue reading My Christmas Wish List!
Category: Uncategorized
On thinking too much…
… which really seems to be something I've been doing far too much of lately. Coupled with the utter exhaustion that has been plaguing me on and off as of late (I'm not sure if it's related to the arm numbness thing or if it's a symptom of academic burnout or something else entirely or… Continue reading On thinking too much…
Comments on an instance of casual racism/religious discrimination
There are times when I don't choose to speak up. Sometimes that's because I know that the response will be 'it's just a joke, what's the harm' or something similar. When I'm considered too 'young', too female or too 'ethnic' to be listened to. When these people are several times my age and already far… Continue reading Comments on an instance of casual racism/religious discrimination
Life is, uh, complex
And that, my friends is probably the best way of summarizing my headspace for the moment. I'm not entirely sure why I've chosen to dwell as much as I have lately on interpersonal relations (both in a positive and in a negative way) but I'm guessing it has something to do with it being a… Continue reading Life is, uh, complex
Haven't posted in a while, but I guess I'm a year older…
… and while I've spent a bunch of time during the past year not having enough energy (I really ought to be more energetic!), and not being quite as productive as I'd like to be (sure, I'm not superhuman, but this has been ridiculously different than what used to be my norm), I like to… Continue reading Haven't posted in a while, but I guess I'm a year older…
On turning another year older, and the expected wish list posting…
Oh wow, how time flies. Later this month I turn another year older and I dunno, it's been a tough year on me mentally. It feels like there's so much my life is lacking at the moment, and in the last day or so it has gone through more upheaval (yay?)… we'll see where this… Continue reading On turning another year older, and the expected wish list posting…
I am not an object, a plaything, a toy; I am not YOURS; I am not a belonging; I am rather annoyed.
I am a woman. I am an individual. I am a student, an employee, a friend, a family member, an acquaintance, a social media user and more… I am a person. This was somewhat resolved way back in Canada's history with the Persons case where women were INDEED deemed to be persons. So why then… Continue reading I am not an object, a plaything, a toy; I am not YOURS; I am not a belonging; I am rather annoyed.
Okay my day was out to get my ire today, yegads!
So this evening, after I dealt with a much needed phonecall, I got ready to type up a blog post, and then got sidetracked by a glance at my LJ friends page only to notice that someone is impersonating me (or rather they stole my profile picture and attached it to some spam posts (not… Continue reading Okay my day was out to get my ire today, yegads!
Recent happy moments…
Because the world is filled with all too much negativity, I figured now was a good time to post about good things. And I would like to hope that I will do this every so often online, because gosh people sometimes need a ray of sunshine to brighten their days, online or otherwise! -Holding my… Continue reading Recent happy moments…
When you haven't done something for a while…
… it becomes remarkably satisfying to remember how to do said thing (and no, I'm not about to talk about bicycle riding. At this stage I kind of doubt that I'll ride my bike until after I get back from my next trip and/or the one after, but hopefully soon!). Today's small victory was doing… Continue reading When you haven't done something for a while…