The mysterious Andrew!

Yesterday I walked to London Drugs after work to pick up a parcel. And I wasn't disappointed when I received it! It was my Kickstarter reward from having backed Danielle Corsetto's Slingshots Across America tour celebrating 10 years of Girls with Slingshots (one of my favourite webcomics — I actually have gotten very behind on… Continue reading The mysterious Andrew!

On the play One Man, Two Guvnors or humor and my reactions to it

So last night I finally saw One Man, Two Guvnors at The Citadel, and I did rather enjoy it in general. I particularly loved some of the comments made/revealed in the talk back afterward (one of the bonuses of having moved my ticket to a Tuesday evening, I guess!). It was very well performed, and… Continue reading On the play One Man, Two Guvnors or humor and my reactions to it

Sign up for the World's Largest Secret Santa Gift Exchange!

Or at least consider it if you like such exchanges. Registration opened yesterday (well officially, they tested it for a while on the day previous), and there are already over 65,000 registrants. Last year there were 85,000 successful exchanges which is pretty substantial (and resulted in yet another Guinness Book of World Records entry)… and… Continue reading Sign up for the World's Largest Secret Santa Gift Exchange!

On Envelopes, Mail, Stationery, and the Art of Sending Mail

Lately, most mail is junk or packages. And I adore receiving packages in the mail in the form of surprises from redditgifts or in the form of extra goodies in something I ordered, or even in the form of subscription boxes (yes, I currently subscribe to two: NerdBlock and BonjourJolie, though I'm very tempted by… Continue reading On Envelopes, Mail, Stationery, and the Art of Sending Mail

I haven't blogged in months

And it's not that I haven't wanted to: indeed there have been numerous topics that I've felt strongly enough to post to Facebook, to tweet, to have good honest conversations about in person, and yet I haven't been writing all that much. Not in the physical pen on paper world, not on my blog here.… Continue reading I haven't blogged in months

Back to blogging

It has been a while since I've blogged. Instead, I've chosen to tweet a lot and try to post to Facebook regularly, but I figured tonight that it's been long enough since I blogged last (January) and really although I've been procrastinating putting together a 'real' website with a WordPress blog of sorts I'll stick… Continue reading Back to blogging