I need a hug. Am not thinking straight likely. I wanna cry. so many memories…. I can't possibly pay tribute to such an amazing individual appropriately. I can't say good-bye to Dirk.

Changing pictures…

So I just went and changed the three icons I have for this journal. Yep, they're now pictures from Brendan's mighty camera (I still wanna see the rest of them though… *grumbles*). I'm not sure how I feel about them for the most part… and think I may wanna still goof around with my print… Continue reading Changing pictures…

Okay after this post… no more quizzes for the next… undetermined little bit of time ;)

So I goes and checks out some quizzes! The Oracle says: ——————————————————————————– You were male in your last Earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of modern Central Africa approximately in 1675. Your profession was designer, engineer, craftsman. ——————————————————————————– Your brief psychological profile in that past life: Seeker of truth and wisdom. You… Continue reading Okay after this post… no more quizzes for the next… undetermined little bit of time 😉

Was told to go to bed, so I turn on my computer instead.

This entertained me: Tenderheart BearYou are thinker, organizer, peacekeeper, and leader all in one. You have a power to command attention and people listen to you. However, you are often so concerned about not hurting others' feelings that you don't tell them what they need to hear and this gets you both into trouble. But… Continue reading Was told to go to bed, so I turn on my computer instead.

A REAL post!

Okay, so I thought I'd finally post something real rather than just survey thingys (not that survey thingys aren't great and all… but! The school year is over (yay!) but exams are not (meh.)… CKI stuff is stepping up to high gear for me for the summer (so many trips!). But I'm not so big… Continue reading A REAL post!

5 things survey…

5 things you are wearing… 1. the necklace I bought on my grade nine Quebec trip (a sun) 2. long blue jean skirt 3. Black top (sleeveless) 4. My watch 5. Underwear 5 things you are doing right now… 1. this survey 2. eating supper (hot! Udon soup of my creation… not quite traditional, but… Continue reading 5 things survey…

Another quiz…

Thanks to musicsdaughter for posting this… hmmm… I should totally do other things… but whatever. About You Name: Ali Kira Age: 21 City: Edmonton State/Country: Alberta/Canada What is your neighborhood like?: It's downtown Do you live in an apartment or a house?: Apartment How many siblings do you have?: 2 Are your parents divorced?: nope… Continue reading Another quiz…