So here I sit, in front of the computer rather than doing dishes, vacuuming, or otherwise cleaning like the little angel I ought to be (groan!)… wondering why on earth I'm doing such instead of ACTUALLY putting some effort into stuff that matters. So much to do… 🙂 Anywho… Tomorrow's the big day! I get… Continue reading So I'm procrastinating being productive… what else is new? 😉
Author: Me
How awesome is the telephone. Let me count the ways… ;)
What Color is Your Brain? brought to you by Quizilla So today I decided to call people on the telephone. On a whim mainly, but also because I hadn't heard from people in a really really long time. So this is evidently what I did. And BOY was it nice to hear people's voices again.… Continue reading How awesome is the telephone. Let me count the ways… 😉
Post a memory of me in the comments. Doesn't have to be the first memory of us meeting, just the first event that comes to your mind when you think about me. It can be anything you want. Then post this in your journal and see what people remember of you. I rather like this… Continue reading Memories?
On Super Size Me
Today I watched the movie Super Size Me. In general, within the several years, I had already come to the realization that most of the points discussed in this film were in fact the case… without having ever watched the film. HOWEVER, I was quite generally appalled by several facts, which I realize while not… Continue reading On Super Size Me
Worries… frustrations… and general rediculousness
So here I am procrastinating again (being an idiot again)… getting generally frustrated not only with the university (as per usual this month) but with my lack of prowness when it comes to putting together portfolios to get me into the WRITE courses I wanna take. Dag-nabbit! These are my hopes and dreams I'm playing… Continue reading Worries… frustrations… and general rediculousness
June 2nd.
Hi all! So Apparently… as much as I haven't yet been accepted into my program for the fall (and this frustrates me to no end)… I convocate from University on June 2nd. Therefore, you are all hereby invited to celebrate with me! The evening of June 2nd. At 6:30PM… I suppose would be a good… Continue reading June 2nd.
Why answering the phone is important… :)
So I wake up this morning to the phone ringing. This, my friends, is not unusual, given that people do tend to call from my place of employment. Friends however do not call frequently at 8:30ish in the morning… as much as I love to hear from them (I really honestly don't mind phone calls… Continue reading Why answering the phone is important… 🙂
Some interesting stuff?
So… apparently I write a fair bit of really short sentences in my LJ these days. Who would have thought, what with all the quizzes?? 😉 ali_kira's Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 5 Average number of words per sentence: 8.96 Average number of syllables per word: 1.43 Total words in sample: 2688 Analyze your journal! Username: Another… Continue reading Some interesting stuff?
Requisite quizzes for the here and now….
So I thought I'd post a few of these…. as per usual. What does your birth month say about YOU??? JULY: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional… Continue reading Requisite quizzes for the here and now….
LJ meet up… *sighs* and other random stuff.
Firstly, I'd like to start off by saying that I had a marvelous time at the meet up this time. It was quite pleasant. Especially talking and meeting with so many interesting people. vernondalhart was especially gifted with the talent for great conversations (and also intelligence)… quite the refreshing thing to see. Honestly speaking it… Continue reading LJ meet up… *sighs* and other random stuff.