also see ' comic! MindMap
Author: Me
Movies thing….
1. Bold the titles for the movies you've watched in their entirety. 2. Italicize the titles for the movies you want to see. 3. Add three titles of your own choosing to the list. *** 01. Trainspotting 02. Shrek 03. M 04. Dogma 05. Strictly Ballroom 06. The Princess Bride 07. Love Actually 08. The… Continue reading Movies thing….
Here's another of those long quizzes… a new one though.
layer one — [People Call Me:] Ali, Ali Kira, Kira Ali, Al, Alicat, MR. Ali __________ (okay, I'm getting sick of this, and it's not just Mr. Lyle Oberg anymore… why oh why do they ALWAYS assume I'm male??) — [Birthplace:] A touristy town on the TransCanada Highway in the Interior of BC (I'd say…… Continue reading Here's another of those long quizzes… a new one though.
Really really cool Quiz idea!
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: Goo Goo Dolls (I was thinking I'd either do them, Lamb or The Beatles… but thought that Goo Goo Dolls would make it harder, since I only have 3 of their CDs… and who doesn't like a challenge?) Are you female or… Continue reading Really really cool Quiz idea!
School, moods and other things…
I think I'm going to make a good quality post now (hey wait, why the heck did my stomach just start aching? That's no fun!). School: Well, this week I still remain in Limbo. I'm STILL not accepted into the Faculty of Arts, and I HAVE to know before the time I leave the country… Continue reading School, moods and other things…
Firsts & Lasts, Philosophy… and comments…
First best friend: Megan Rippon First real memory of something: the rag quilts on the floor of the house in Revelstoke on which I played. First car: n/a unless you count toys… in which case it was likely a Tonka truck that I 'borrowed' from my brother… either that or some McDonalds' toy… or a… Continue reading Firsts & Lasts, Philosophy… and comments…
Harry Potter and One Hundred Years….
I finally saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban yesterday. Frankly, I was both impressed and disappointed. Impressed that the actors had improved so much over time, and at the overall impression/appeal of the film. Disappointed, as the movie made me want to have seen more, not only would additional character development been useful,… Continue reading Harry Potter and One Hundred Years….
ali_kira's LJ stalker is mostlycrazy! mostlycrazy is stalking you because they have you confused with someone else whom they love. They are also not very liked around here! LiveJournal Username: LJ Stalker FinderFrom So Brendan can cook. Me, I'm a little lazier when it comes to the kitchen. Then again my masterpieces aren't nearly… Continue reading Hmmm….
Quiz-y goodness! :)
I've decided to fill these quizzes out for the evening… but I'm going to neglect to answer questions I've gotten overly frequently, 'cause suffice to say it is rediculously over done. This explains the discontinuity in numbers. I n f o r m a t i o n 09. Shoe size: 7.5-8.5 womens (USA sizes)… Continue reading Quiz-y goodness! 🙂
Thank you! :)
I'd like to thank all of you who helped me celebrate my University Convocation this week. It was good to see all of you again, especially those of you whom I hadn't seen for what seems like ages. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed since I first started my post-secondary education…… Continue reading Thank you! 🙂