Kiwanis/CKI International Convention this week!

So I've been waking up earlier than strictly necessary these days, and I'm imagining that my awakening before my alarm this morning has a LOT to do with the fact that I fly to Indianapolis today for Kiwanis and Circle K International Conventions. Yes, I'll be incredibly busy the whole time. Yes, I look forward to it. Yes, I have quite a bit on my to-do list. Yes, I know that I'm unlikely to actually see/touch base with all the folks I'll want to see while there. But you know what, the last time I was truly in downtown Indianapolis was in 2003 and a LOT has changed since then. So this is exciting.

I figured it out last night: this will be my 12th Circle K International Convention (since I started going in 2003, I've only missed last year), and my 11th Kiwanis International Convention (I attended parts of 2003, 2004, and 2006 before going to full conventions in 2008 through now). I have no plans to stop attending Kiwanis International Convention where possible, as it's an event that truly reinvigorates me about both Kiwanis and other aspects of life, particularly when things have been stressful for whatever reasons. No matter what the organization there are often politics, stressful moments, frustrations, and times where one doesn't feel as positive as one might want. Events like Kiwanis International Convention reinvigorate me in part because I see the friends whom I rarely see throughout the rest of the year. There are personal development sessions and other fun events, chances to see/explore a new city (or in this case a city that I've visited many times before but not for this event since 2003), and the opportunity to see some great speakers, performances and other fun things.

Things I'm looking forward to this trip include the Alumni event, LSSP (it'll be my 12th LSSP even if I can only really attend parts of it), seeing Judson Laipply for the 4th time (in the past I've seen him perform at two CKI conventions and one KI convention), the fireworks at the ballgame, walking the walking trails, Steak 'n' Shake (a CKI governor etc. institution of sorts!), seeing my friends, voting at the House of Delegates, and celebrating a great year and given that this is the 100th Anniversary convention I'm looking forward to all of those aspects too!

Like most CKI conventions (and Kiwanis conventions on occasion but less so) there won't be enough time to sleep if I do everything (so I know I can't do everything) but I look forward to so many familiar faces, things to do, and much much more.

Someday I'll visit Indianapolis for non-Kiwanis reasons (GenCon is on my personal bucket list for example, or at least it would be if I had one), but I'm really looking forward to visiting for Kiwanis reasons today.