Slowly, getting things done…

… as I'm leaving for New Orleans on Sunday. And slow is the right word. I'm not sleeping terribly well lately (not having issues falling asleep but I'm waking up before my alarm repeatedly, and often not feeling well rested), and took several short naps yesterday. But yesterday was a good day: I got most of what I needed to accomplish done. I did attend a fabulous Edmonton Girl Geek dinner at Mill Creek Cafe. The food was unspectacular, but it certainly wasn't bad; I rather enjoyed my salad and my dessert and the chicken was remarkably tender and moist! But I wasn't there for the food (nor was I there for the door prizing, this time I didn't win anything, though the graphic novels were darn tantalizing!). I was there to socialize with the awesome girl geeks (like Brittney and Dana, the two hosts of Edmonton Girl Geek Dinners!) and listen to a great talk about female action heroes (what female action heros?)… the talk was EXCELLENT but it really made me sad about the state of movie watching these days: women being more sex objects, window dressing, and victims rather than the powerful Ripleys, Thelmas and Louises of the early 1990s… Some light was seen in the Girl Action Heroes (such as Katniss or Hanna) but I dunno, this is frustrating.

Today however has been less frustrating. I've been reasonably productive, and am currently waging war on laundry. I have also realized that I'm going to get some of the funding for one of my trips sometime in the next month or so… with other funding likely not coming until August at the VERY earliest (darnned waiting game!) and I've run about to mailboxes and run other errands. It's a beautiful summer day complete with the sound of thunder. I'm also trying to eat the perishable food in my fridge (I will fail to eat it all in all likelihood, but I won't waste too too much). Whittling my to-do list down at a reasonable pace is really part of the plan.