It's that holiday time o' year I guess…

And while there's probably a ton I could write about, including my improving mood (but still my inability to feel well rested, warm, or not plagued by procrastination — most of which I could easily blame on the days being short and not getting enough sunlight, and my apartment feeling unusually cool this holiday season, resulting in my needing to wear PANTS and sweaters [the horror!])… but well, I don't entirely know about the well-rested bit… and there is the occasionally worrying doctor's visit, but whatever. It's the holiday season and I generally adore the holidays.

Christmas with the family this year was a short sojourn, and my youngest brother hosted Christmas eve. We totally spoiled each other with gifts! I'm really pleased with the Tim Minchin CDs I got (which I listened to this afternoon) for example! Other noteworthy gifts include two Misto sprayers, a great Looney Spoons cookbook, a spa gift certificate, a couple seasons of tv shows, a graphic novel I had been wanting plus The Absolute Sandman volumes 2 and 3 (I already had 1), a great bracelet and quite a few other smaller gifts. I still have a few gifts yet to receive/exchange so I'm pretty darn pleased. The fact that this season has included spending time with friends and family, some of whom I hadn't really reconnected with in a long while has gone a long way to rekindling my better spirits (though I do still get into the occasional mental funk) and while my work schedule has resulted in a bit of burning the candle at both ends so to speak, I'm making my way in the world appropriately I think. If only I could iron out an appropriate balance between being motivated and not being too busy or not busy enough! That plus more energy and mental acuity would make for a much more lovely time I think.

Still it's been a good holiday season including some grand gatherings (both for and against Christmas, the end of the world, and to warm homes to list a few reasons), some good food and drink (my actual complete discovery that I like WARM alcoholic beverages was a neat one), and the occasional successful cooking experiment. It seems I still have a ways to go in many respects, but I think I'm slowly getting back on track to where I want to be and well, the holidays are going a long way to getting there (plus the days are indeed getting longer, yay!).