… or so LSSP tells us as it draws to a close yet again.
Yesterday we went to Greater Birmingham Ministries (which includes churches of many denominations including Christian, Jewish and Muslim) and while many worked in the garden, I helped clean out a couple freezers, chipping off all the ice and giving it to the outside group to have snowball fights! We also organized the freezers, cleaned the industrial fridge stuffed backpacks, mopped the floor etc. It was a very productive experience.
That evening I went to Dreamland BBQ for an excellent meal before an evening learning a line dance, making dogbones, and long late night conversation (until like 4am, yikes!).
Today we went to the Birmingham Zoo, where my group rode the carousel, saw giraffes, and ostriches, organized Halloween (and Christmas) decor from atop a ricketty ladder (Tim and I were up high on our end of the barn getting things down, including a LARGE pumpkin and many other awkward items). We also helped with taking apart a shed before an excellent evening meal. This evening was a dance (I mostly played board games — I think I have a headache partially because of too much sweet tea).
Floyd got here today and I'm sure others are arriving shortly for ICON and the rest. It's been a productive, service-filled LSSP though and I'm still having a good time.