Vacation, here I come!

So, following tomorrow's work shift (and it should HYPOTHETICALLY be less stressful than the work chaos of earlier this week [including computer issues, customers, injuries and bizarre thefts among other things]), I will be on vacation, heading to my parents' place for a dental appointment, back to Edmonton, to Calgary to visit a friend and then to Vegas with said friend. I'm truly looking forward to this trip, because it's one of VERY few REAL vacations. As many of you realize, I often travel for CKI/Kiwanis or other purposes that aren't solely leisure. This will be FUN. That said, I will likely eschew all contact via phone or email/internet for the duration of my stay in Vegas (barring really good reasons). This will of course contribute to the vacation aspect of my travel!

What will I do on vacation? See some shows: Cirque de Soleil's Zumanity and Bette Midler, eat some great food, swim a bit, and catch the sights. Yes, I overplan too, so I have tonnes of information available to me, but heck we'll have a good time.

And I've been getting loads of advice (solicited and un!), which helps influence just what I want to go out of my way and partake in on my travels.