Lack of sleep, parties… oh and the FRINGE!

Whew… I'm finally semi-caught up on the internet (like I'm ever going to be actually caught up on all the stuff online I want to read, really now!)… and I'm realizing that what was supposed to be a relaxing weekend was anything but relaxing: it was much much better!

Friday I had coffee (well, chai tea latte in my case but whatever) with a co-worker. We talked for a remarkably long time… mostly about poker and traveling actually. This was followed by the use of the internet for a rather extended period of time (as per the usual these days).

Saturday was an entertaining mix of things. Certainly there was the internet (but what else is new?) but then there was Matthew's party which I attended for 45 minutes (and helped attempt to assemble a mangled IKEA chair!) before gallivanting to Whyte Ave in the rain to The Keg and Nicholas' delightfully delicious birthday dinner… how could I not enjoy great food along with great company?? I also attended maybe 45 minutes of his party at his place after dinner, such that I could partake in some Street Fighter II Turbo edition. Yeah… I proved yet again I'm no computer game fighter!

After another somewhat moist walk back to Matthew's flat, I remained at that party for a considerable amount of time, watching Settlers of Catan, playing some cards (Sweeper/Janitor/President or whatever you like to call that game!), and then partaking in some Mario Party 8 once the children left. I lost at Mario Party but dominated the card game so it works out.

It was late at night/early in the morning when I returned, and so surprisingly I slept a full eight hours (until noon!) before buying some Fringe tix… and meeting up with Carla and Matthew and Erin et al. We wandered the site seeing some random buskers and an entertaining circus themed show before catching our first ticketed play:

The Tale of a T-shirt
While amusing, and high energy, it wasn't perhaps my favorite when it comes to random plays. I thought however that the seagull stole the show. Definitely fun and entertaining, but not as polished as I would perhaps have preferred from such obviously talented actresses. Mind you the singing was good, as was their semi-improv-ed acting. (3 stars)

This was followed by some more explorations of the grounds and of course some fun randomly running into people before

Sound & Fury's: CYRANOSE
Which exceeded my expectations! I'd heard great things about the Sound & Fury but this blew me away with awesomeness (plus they used some of my words from audience participation!!)… gotta love the way they use words so excellently! Totally my kind of Fringe play — my belly ached from laughter! (and it helped that I knew Cyrano de Bergerac on which it was based, not that that was terribly crucial or anything… it was clearly just amazingly funny!!) (5 stars)

Anyway… tomorrow it looks like I'll be catching at least one more Fringe play, which will rock! This is the most Fringe I've ever enjoyed… maybe someday I'll even volunteer for the festival.