Off to Portland and… the last week of ups and downs.

So apparently I turned 25 on Tuesday. This was a greatly awesome event!! I mean, I had an excellent time thanks to the awesome people who attended. Board games were great — People loved playing Bandu and I won at Hackers. Of course where were the crazy shenanigans of the Family Fun game and awesome Fondue and potluck awesomeness. I also got a card that hoots and hollers at me (terribly entertaining, thanks Kevin!)… among other excellent gifts.

The downside (why must there always be one?) is that I somehow managed to lose my perscription sunglasses on that day. Regardless of the fact that I need to get new glasses again anyway and that my work glasses coverage has increased recently, it's still annoying since I rather LOVED them and the perscription was pretty close to perfect *sighs*. If anyone sees them, let me know.

In any case, not only was my birthday great, but so was the rest of the week: Wednesday was the AWESOME Weird Al concert — which I totally had a blast at!! Not only was the show one of the best I've ever attended, what with all of the crazy antics and whatnot, but the costumes rocked (as did the music) and it was stellar awesome!! (to say the least).

And then there was the long day of Thursday where I not only volunteered at the slide but saw the Peking Acrobats (they're unbelievable!) and the Great Big Sea concert (I love their new song!!).

Friday night was Mim's long belated birthday — a day where I finally saw one of my ol' roommates' new abodes, and ate some great food and saw Theatresports!!

And yesterday just felt long too… but Elaine and Jackie arrived and helped make my day end on a great note — plus I finally finished reading Joseph Boyden's awesome short stories book: Born with a Tooth. Awesome!

And I slept long hours last night in preparation for Portland, Oregon where I will be visiting in just a couple days and will return on the 10th.